Original Works- Extension of date

Hello Families,
Good news! Our Original Works deadline has been extended. There is still time to order something with your child’s artwork on it and still receive it before the holidays. You have until November 9th now. Late orders can be submitted until the 15th. Your children all worked hard on their art and are proud of it. These make good, easy gifts for grandparents and other family members. The ornaments and quilt squares are great keepsakes. Please take some time to view your options and order. The proceeds from this go directly to your student’s teacher to be used in the classroom. Simply follow the instructions provided on the Dear Family Letter you received previously.
For any questions please contact Ms. Jalee at jschofield@mariamontessoriacademy.org.
Thank you!
Just wanted to share this so you could still share your child’s art work and support your child and their efforts.
Thank you-
Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan

Note from Ms. Autumn- Office Staff- 11-6-19

Please see below message from Gnarly Charlie….


We look forward to seeing all of you in our classroom visits today. We’ll learn all about Honesty! Here’s your video link to click on, you can watch the video with your class at any time of the day:


Action Steps Reminder:

Step 1: Log on to your FUNRUN.COM account

Step 2: View your Teacher Dashboard

Step 3: “Select Team Day Email to Parents.” Customize and send to parents.  Or you can copy and paste the email template at the bottom of this email. (THANK YOU!!!)

School Wide Log-on Challenge: First class to register 100%…teacher will earn a “Day Off”

Ms. Stacey 59%

Ms. Martha 55%

Ms. Laura 45%

Ms. Leslee 45%

Here are some quick stats:

States: 11

Registration %: 33

Participation %: 17


Gnarly Charlie


Maria Montessori Academy Fun Run Families,

Our class is having a BLAST preparing for the Maria Montessori Academy Fun Run coming up soon! We’ve also begun learning how to choose to live with character every day through Booster’s brand new character theme, MindSpark: Wild West. While they’re teaming up with the MindSpark Kids to compete in character duels, your students will learn five 21st-century character traits that will help strengthen themselves and our world. Make sure to ask your students what they’ve learned each day, and together you can watch the story unfold on funrun.com!

Remember, we need your help connecting to sponsors who can make a pledge to help our school! Please make sure all pledges for the Maria Montessori Academy Fun Run are entered on funrun.com. The more pledges we get, the more incentives our class earns on our Pledge-O-Meter.

Thank you for your generosity and support of our school. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Have a great day!

P.S. Make sure to register your child on funrun.com. Search for your school or use our school registration code: 935184

International Cultural Feast


Our International Cultural Feast is coming up during the week of November 21st.

Each student is asked to present a brief report of one of the countries in Africa. I have listed the following countries: South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Morocco, Ghana, Algeria, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Cameroon, Rwanda, Libya, Guinea, Zambia, Niger, Liberia and South Sudan.

I will assign each student one of these countries. I will just go down our list alphabetically and then each student will take one. The report should just include some facts about that country. Poster board size information is excellent.

The students will be able to share their report with other students who come into our classroom as each student in our lower elementary will be doing a similar report to share. The south side and the north side of the school have their assignments given.

This will be an event which parents are encouraged to come and visit as well. It usually goes about 1 1/2 hour – as I have been told.

I haven’t participated in this event before but I have heard teachers say this is a great experience to share other countries cultural traditions and ways of living.

Please let me know if you have any questions. There isn’t any particular way this needs to be done. Creativity!!

I will send out with the next note the alphabetical order of the student and the country of Africa to research. Thank you so much for your support.

Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan



Tomorrow we begin our Fun Run Pep Rally at 1:30 p.m. Just wanted to bring this to your attention. I have sent home a small half size sheet which explains our Fun Run Fundraiser. If you didn’t get this please email me and let me know so I can send another half size reminder again.

Thank you-

Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan

This will start the next week. I’ll have more details to follow!!

Original Works – pamplet

Today, Tuesday- October 29 I sent home an Original Works pamphlet. Even if you haven’t had your child do anything thus far they can still go on line with the information I sent home and you can order online.

One of our teachers today mentioned that when you go online that it may not have the correct information. The teacher just mentioned has contacted the Original Works contact information and they are working on resolving this issue.

Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is a problem getting your child’s information pulled up on line.

Thank you-

Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan

Original Work Information- Please Read!!

Hello Parents!
We are so excited to announce that the Original Works order forms are here and ready. Please look for them in your child’s backpack. There are so many wonderful things you can order with your child’s artwork on it. These make wonderful Christmas gifts and grandparents love them. The best part of all is that all proceeds go to your student’s teacher for them to decide how to use in the classroom.
If your child’s artwork has already been turned in to Original Works, you will receive a packet with a picture of it and order information on the back. Please follow the instructions for ordering. If you order by Tuesday, November 5th, you will receive your orders in time for the holidays. If you are unable to order until after, no worries. You will still get your items, they just aren’t guaranteed by the holidays.
If your child’s artwork has not been turned in to Original Works yet, you will receive an order form as well as their artwork with the packet. Please fill out the order form and return it and the artwork to your child’s teacher. If you want to guarantee that you will get the items by the holidays, this needs returned to their teacher by this Friday, November 1st. Any orders turned in between the 2nd and the 12th can not be guaranteed by the holidays. This is the same if your child has not made a piece of artwork yet.
Please support your child and your teacher by ordering.
Thank you for all you do. If you have any questions feel free to email Ms. Jalee: jschofield@mariamontessoriacademy.org.
Thank you teachers. Let me know if you have any questions.

Jalee Schofield

Lower Elementary Teacher
Maria Montessori Academy
Room 8


Thursday- Halloween

In class on Thursday, no costumes please!  We may chose to do some fun learning activities as well as some regular learning routines.

If you would like to bring a healthy snack to share with the children for that day we can do that.  I appreciate your support.

We will be making pie crusts- pieces to taste on Friday- November 1. I try to implement cooking a few times a month. We have made squash and cooked it. (We will sample this tomorrow). We have cooked zucchini bread and cookies.

Thank you-

Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan