“A Day of Service”

Tuesday, September 3, 2019 we will be having our “Day of Service” in honor of Dr. Maria Montessori. Her 140th birthday was August 31. The children each took a moment on Friday, August 30 and drew or wrote a sentence of why they enjoy coming to MMA.

It was very special for them to be able to celebrate and give thanks to her for all she has done to create the education which they now enjoy.

I will share these papers with you parents but thought I would mention that this will also be another way we will celebrate her.

Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan

Snack schedule-

The first link or so that I posted was our “snack” schedule. If your name is not on the list and you would like to be added please just email me.

This list was put together on the “back to school” night so I had a full amount of parents who signed and I have had a couple recently ask to be added.

I’m very happy and appreciative of your service.

I’ll look and see where we can add you.

Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan

First Education Parent Night


I would love to invite each of you to our “1st Education Parent Night” this year. It will be this Thursday, September 5 from 5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m.

Please come and see the events which have been planned and enjoy a refreshment.

MMA loves to have your support and your presence as we enjoy this evening together.

Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan

Field Trip- up coming date


Our first annual field trip will be Friday- October 11.

We will be going to the Planetarium in Salt Lake City.

There will be more information by the end of next week.

There will be a sign up sheet which will be put together and a name needs to be on the list before October 1. The cost if per-registering (so to speak) will be $6.00 per adult.

Just wanted to get this information out early so those who may want to attend can arrange their schedule.

Thank you for helping and supporting your student in our class.

Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan

Parent Education Night


Thursday, September 5 is our “first” parent education night this year.

We will be starting at 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Please come and share a part of the evening with us at MMA.

Refreshments will be served.

Thank you for coming and supporting our school.

Volunteers and Room Parent needed

I have some cut out work to complete. We are beginning a new reading curriculum this year called Reading Horizons.

One of our “awesome” teachers- Ms. Jalee completed the laminating process.  I am asking for some help to cut out this lamentation. I’m asking if there is some time this week  we can have a few parents for 45 minute – 1 hour who can come in the classroom and help to get this ready for students.

Tuesday would be a great day as we have our P.E. class and Music class where the students are gone from the classroom from 10:55 a.m. to 12:40 p.m.

Please respond to me by email lbowman@mariamontessoriacademy.org to let me know.

I am also in need of a Room Parent. This is a responsibility I would really appreciate the extra help as many of our returning parents know the tasks which I may need assistance with. (I’m still learning this part- so any advice would be appreciative.)

Please respond to me by email lbowman@mariamontessoriacademy.org to let me know.


Third week- August 26-30

Parents and students-

I just want to congratulate each of Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan’s students this week for working so productively. I will be sending home the “work planner” to let you see how Wednesday- 21st through Friday-23rd each student tried their best and started to implement the “work cycle” day.

I would ask you, parents, to please continue to remind your student each day I only ask they try their best. I know some of our “new” students- this is a bit of an adjustment to be able to work independently or with small groups.

I am striving to do my best to work specifically with the 1st graders in the next couple of weeks to get them established on how to determine what they would like to start with and then to chose the next assignment as they use their time wisely.

We have some great 2nd and 3rd graders who have been “awesome” examples as to how to work and complete each task as they are going along during our “work cycle” time.

Thank you again parents for being a great support to your child. Please make sure you have brought your supplies- the composition books-3 ring binder- lined paper- etc.  If you are in need to check the supply list it is on the front of the blog.

We are starting our specials this week. We will have on Tuesday – Music 10:55 a.m.- 11:45 a.m. We also have on Tuesday – P.E. 11:50 a.m. – 12:40 p.m.

I just want to thank you again for your support and your child’s attendance. It makes our “community” classroom so alive!!!

Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan


Daily work cycle

Each student in our class is starting to become familiar with a small amount of work cycle activity this week. I am continually being instructed by my instructional coach as to how to best implement this in our classroom as the “works” and the cycle of the Montessori method is being introduced to me little by little.

I would ask that your student please try their best every day and accomplish what they can. I have awesome students and I know they are capable of wonderful results.

I continue to praise them and acknowledge their hard work. As parents I would ask you to please continue to help your student to realize the importance of daily work and daily growth.

“Grace and courtesy” are continually being implemented in our daily discussions. The students are working well with one another in the classroom and there are many relationships being formed.

Thank you to each parent/guardian for helping your child to come to school each day and making their choice to succeed. Maria Montessori Academy is a fantastic school and we are blessed to have so many resources and resource staff to help your child to grow and become the best they can.

Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan

Week of August 19-23

Parents & Students,

I will be starting our small group lessons this week. The class will be starting Heggerty – which is Phonemic Awareness. Engage New York- which is one of our Math curriculum. Lastly, Steck-Vaughn-Reading Comprehension.

I am excited to learn these wonderful resources along with your child. Many of you have been introduced to these but a few haven’t.

It’s going to be a great week. We will take a day at a time and learn together. Working on these first subjects will help our class to develop our individual work cycle- which will start to transpire in the new week or so. The children then will be exposed to the shelves and the individual “work” time which takes place during the school day.

I just wanted to have you aware of this next week and know that using our “grace and courtesy” expectations we can work together in our classroom as small groups as well as individually.

Ms. Leslee & Ms. Susan