Library – day today- Thursday 12th


  1. Today was our first time being in our library at school. It turned out very positive and the children were happy to be able to check out 2 books to stay at school to read. Each child was excited to experience different areas of the library and they were able to take their choices back to class. These books are to be kept in our classroom to read at school. Thank you for being supportive of your child at home and having ready opportunities.  Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan

Children’s Dance Theater- upcoming event- Friday September 27, 2019

Dear Educators:

My name is Amy Buchanan, and I work with Tanner Dance at the University of Utah. I would love to tell you about an amazing event we are providing to the students of your school.  On behalf of the Children’s Dance Theater, we would love to extend an invitation to attend the University of Utah Children’s Dance Theater summer performance at Weber State University. We are offering two free matineperformances scheduled for Friday, September 27 at 10:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. This is a unique opportunity for your students to see an elaborate production that is filled with captivating movement, an inspiring story line, original music, and beautiful costuming.

This year the Children’s Dance Theater is celebrating its 70th anniversary with the production of The Dancing Man!  The Dancing Man, is a moving portrayal of a creative life from beginning to end. In a poor village by the Baltic Sea, an orphan boy named Joseph receives a pair of silver shoes, and with them the courage to follow a secret dream. Over the years, Joseph dances his way down the road to the southernmost sea, dancing hope and delight into the lives of those who need it most, until at last it is time to pass the silver shoes — and the dancing man’s destiny — to another child. First staged by the Children’s Dance Theater in 1986, The Dancing Man pays eloquent tribute to the lifelong pursuit of a dream and the joy of dance.

This performance runs 1 hour and 15 minutes from beginning to end. There will be no intermission. Also the facility is ADA compatible with excellent seating options available.

In addition to our invitation, should you choose to participate, we would also love to offer a teacher workshop for your teachers to prepare their students for the upcoming performance.  If you are interested in this educational component, we would be happy to send materials and more information about the workshop to be held in your area.

If you would like to reserve seats to any of the performance times listed above, please email Amy Buchanan with the following information below.  If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact me or visit our website at

·         Group/School Name

·         Time:  10:00 a.m. or 12:30 p.m.

·         Contact Name and Email Address

·         Number of students attending

·         Number of chaperones attending

·         Special needs/disability assistance is needed?

With kindest regards,

Amy Buchanan

Administrative Professional

University of Utah Tanner Dance Program

Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts & Education Complex

1721 Campus Center Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Direct: 801-587-3726 | Main Office: 801-581-7374 | Fax: 801-581-4091


This was sent to me by my assistant director, Ms. Lana. If you are interested.

Ms. Leslee

Volunteer background checks- update to parents, etc.

Volunteer background checks

Any adult in the building for an hour or more that could possibly be alone with a child needs to have a background check in our system. All official field trip chaperones also need a background check. This is to keep all of our children safe.There will be someone at MMA to conduct background checks next week on September 17th at 5pm – before the MAPA begins at 6pm. Volunteers will need to make 2 payments at this time $37 to MMA for processing and $25 to Academica West for doing the live scan. Cash, check, and charge are all accepted.

We realize that it can be tough for some of our families to pay for background checks and we don’t want this to be a barrier to volunteering inside school. Please know that once you’re in this new system (Rapback), you will not have to pay or do this again. If you want to know if they’re already in the system or not, please email Ms. Lana.

Original Works Information to Parents

September 9, 2019


These websites were shared by another teacher to me. You are welcome to check them out and see what you think. (Ms. Jalee- LE teacher)

Another resource from the teacher. (Ms. Jalee- LE teacher)

Hello Everyone,

I am so happy to share with you that we are doing original works again this year. For those of you who do not know what this is, the students make artwork and we send it to a company that will put it on all sorts of things you can purchase. These things include magnets, cards, bags, cups, ornaments, towels, pillow cases, to name a few. I use the things I order as holiday gifts for my own children’s grandparents.  I also like to order an ornament to add to my Christmas tree. (I have included some pictures of magnets and a card that have been ordered.) The proceeds from this go to your student’s classroom to be used for their class. In the past I have used my funds for field trips, a class pet, and materials. This is a wonderful way to help get money for the classroom and things teachers and students may need.

Some guidelines: Use bright, bold, colors. Do not use anything 3D like glitter or googly eyes. If artwork goes to the end of the paper, some of it will get cut off so make sure all important things like names (if included on front) are about an inch from the edged. On the back students need to write their first and last name, teacher’s name, and a capital T to show which way is up. I have attached a document with these guidelines. I have also included a site with frequently asked questions.

I will be sending these pieces of art on September 27th. Any art given to me after this will not be submitted. I strongly encourage you to do this with your class as it is a great way to get classroom money. Some ways I have used mine are a class pet, art materials, field trips.

I will send a separate email with some ideas I have found to be successful. If anyone else has ideas, please feel free to share.

I will be bringing around a packet for you all that includes the paper to use. Thank you!!

(This was sent from one of the other LE teachers- Ms. Jalee)

Thank you-    Ms. Leslee

Snack Schedule (Sep – Dec 2019)

Snack Schedule- 2019-2020


This is the list I have for snacks. There are a few spots we will need to fill please.

September 9-13 Aiko – Janette if possible? Or week of 16-20?

September 16-20 Ruby –

September 23-27 – Coleman

October 30-4 –                                                       open position 

October 7-11 –  ? (Ms. Leslee- will share on the 9th for birthday)

October 14-16 – Sam

October 21-25 – Kaizen

October 28-1 – Jacob

November 4-8 -Kohen

November 11-15 – Kally

November 18-20 – Juliana

December 2-6 – Kevin

December 9-13 – Nikaylee

December 16-20- Oliver

We have a date which needs filled in please- October 30-November 4. 

Thank you-

Ms. Leslee

Timeline of My Life- Share October 7th through October 11th

Timeline of My Life


Students will create a timeline of their life in book form. They will need a page for each year of their life, and will label each page with that particular year. On each page, they will need to attach a photo that was taken during that year. Under each photo they will need to write a sentence or more about that year in their life. They will need to design a cover for their book.

This will be shared October 7 – 11.



Please let me know if you need any additional information.


Thank you.

Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan

Remembering 9-11-01

Wednesday, September 11, 2019 our class will have an opportunity to talk about this day of remembrance. The students will be involved in a couple of projects which will help them to think about why we give this day respect. Thank you for your support.

Ms. Leslee

Field Trip- Friday- October 11

We are so excited about our first field trip of the year to the Clark Planetarium on October 11th.  We will meet students at the UTA train station in Ogden at 8:00 am.  We will ride the train to the Clark Planetarium and enjoy the exhibits, Science around the Sphere, and an IMAX movie.  We will return to the train station where students will be picked up.  All of the particulars of the trip will be included in the permission slip which will go out shortly.

This field trip is a great opportunity to chaperone!  Chaperones have a small group of children to watch and guide through the activities of the day.  If you would like to join us, please email me as soon as possible.  We need a count for chaperones by October 1st.  Chaperones will have the opportunity to attend “Science around the Sphere” and the IMAX movie for a discounted price of $6 if they sign up BEFORE Oct. 1.  Our class will also be given bracelets that allow the first several chaperones who sign up to ride the train for free.  We would absolutely love to have you join us!


Ms. Leslee

Order form- sent home- Friday 30th

If you get your order form that was sent home on Friday- August 30th you can bring them back into the office or give them to me.

Thank you.

Ms. Leslee

Also, a big “Thank You” students for being such awesome weeder today at our “Gift of Service” this morning.

I was so impressed with how well each student took their time and helped to beautify our school surroundings.


Ms. Leslee