Gratitude Feast



If you would like to help us in the classroom by making placements, writing thank you notes I would love to have your help.

We could plan on a couple days in November and get this activity under way. I was thinking either a Wednesday and a Thursday afternoon. Time frame of 1:30-2:30 p.m.

If you could get back with me as soon as you can and let me know what help I may have in the classroom I could get this set up with particular dates. I’m looking at the calendar and thinking Wednesday- 13th and Thursday-14th.

Gratitude Feast is coming soon on November 21st. This is an event where we invite and thank members of community like our local police and fire department, local neighbors, community partners, and elected officials. MAPA organizes this event where soup, salad, and dessert are served. In the past, students have participated in a variety of different ways – singing songs, making placements, writing thank you notes. MAPA will be emailing soon to solicit this type of involvement from our classes. I wanted to get this on your radar so you can incorporate this into your lessons and think if your class has something special they could share.
Thank you in advance for your time and effort in participating in our classroom.
Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan


Our Door is almost complete- We have chosen “YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE FLY ABOVE THE INFLUENCE AND SAY NO TO DRUGS!”

We have rockets and the world in our decoration on the door. I will take a picture and post to our blog. The children each have had fun helping to get this completed.

Door decorating is done and put online for voting via mapa
blog and fb pages!

Kinder and early
childhood wear RED, 1st
wear ORANGE, 2nd wear
YELLOW, 3rd wear GREEN,
4th wear PINK, 5th wear
PURPLE, 6th wear RED, 7th
wear ORANGE, 8th wear
YELLOW, 9th wear GREEN,
or wear rainbows colors.

Wear mismatched or
crazy socks!

Crazy hair day!
(Please keep in mind
anything too distracting
or uncomfortable for the
student will result in a
phone call home.)

Wear a team shirt,
(school appropriate).

Wear sweatshirt/hoodie
to school! (please make
sure they are school

Parents- thank you for supporting our Red Ribbon Week. If you have any questions as to what they can or can’t wear please email me!

Thank you-

Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan


Register your students on FUNRUN.COM on 10-28-19. Reach out to sponsors by sharing your pledge link on your social media! The more successful the fundraiser is, the fewer we have to do.  All pledges and payments are made online. All pledges and payments are made online.

Cheer on your student at the Mindspark: Wild Wild West Fun Run on 11/13.

I will be sending home a flyer so you can read the details.

Thank you for your support.

Ms. Susan and Ms. Leslee

Drug Free -Red Ribbon Week Agenda Oct 22-Nov 1

Maria Montessori Red Ribbon Week Agenda
Oct 22nd-Nov 1st

Events and things happening at the school:

Tue Oct 22nd Speaker—focusing on the power of positivity
and our own thoughts our speaker’s message to the kids
is: ‘you are not your thoughts; you are a thinker of your

Thur Oct 24th Box Top store-bring in your box tops to
spend at our first box top store of the year!

Mon Oct 28th ‘Show your true colors and say not to drugs’
Kinder and early childhood wear RED, 1st wear ORANGE,
2nd wear YELLOW, 3rd wear GREEN, 4th wear PINK, 5th wear
PURPLE, 6th wear RED, 7th wear ORANGE, 8th wear YELLOW,
9th wear GREEN, or wear rainbows colors.

Door decorating is done and put online for voting via mapa
blog and fb pages!

Tue Oct 29th ‘Don’t get mixed up with drugs’
Wear mismatched socks or crazy socks!
Red Ribbons tying red ribbons on the fence.

Wed Oct 30th ‘I’m wild about being drug free’
Crazy hair day.
Voting closes on the door decorating contest.

Thur Oct 31st ‘Team up against drugs’
Wear your favorite team shirt or jersey.
Winners for the doors announced (1st place is a pizza

Fri Nov 1st
‘Saying no to drugs is no sweat’
Wear a sweatshirt/hoodie to school.

Kinder and early
childhood wear RED, 1st
wear ORANGE, 2nd wear
YELLOW, 3rd wear GREEN,
4th wear PINK, 5th wear
PURPLE, 6th wear RED, 7th
wear ORANGE, 8th wear
YELLOW, 9th wear GREEN,
or wear rainbows colors.

Wear mismatched or
crazy socks!

Crazy hair day!
(Please keep in mind
anything too distracting
or uncomfortable for the
student will result in a
phone call home.)

Wear a team shirt,
(school appropriate).

Wear sweatshirt/hoodie
to school! (please make
sure they are school

Picture Day- Coming up- October 22nd- Tuesday

Picture Day- Please read attached letter from our office staff. These are frequent questions you might have concerning the picture day.
Thank you
Ms. Leslee

Some frequently asked questions we get in the office.
Does every student get their picture taken? Yes. This is for fall pictures as well as the yearbook
Do the students bring anything with them (i.e. order forms or money) Yes they can, but please encourage parents to order online. Any money will be handed directly to the photographer as the office is not permitted to take money.
Does every student need to be in dress code? YES!!! Again this will go in the yearbook, so every student should be in dress code. Please no hats or funny head wear.
What happens if I do not receive my photos or if they are wrong? Please have parents reach out to lifetouch with the number on the flyer. The office can not do anything regarding parent orders.
Will there be a retake day? Yes, Re-take day is on November 14, but please encourage your students to have their picture done next week so we do not miss anyone.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. Thank you for all you do.
Autumn (office staff)

Home Project #2- Book Report


The next home project will be a Book Report. Each student will chose a book they read on their own or with an adult. A pumpkin of any size will be carved, painted or decorated in anyway to represent a character from the book your child has read.

This will be presented the week of October 23 through October 27.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for helping your child at home and letting them continue their learning adventures through reading books.

I read a lot to the students. They each love to get their library books on Thursday’s and they love to read in class.

Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan

Fall Break!!

Fall Break is this Thursday- 17th and Friday- 18th.

Just to let you know. I’m sure each of you already have your calendars planned for a special “family” event.

The children have been working hard so far this year. They deserve to have a fun time doing something with family and or friends!!

Thank you-

Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan

Field Trip- Success!!


Thank you to those who joined us for our first field trip. It was a great experience. I so enjoyed watching the children’s excitement with the train ride. The weather was pretty cold waiting for the trax to come but once we got on… it was SO FUN!!

The children loved to watch out the window and watch others as they would get off at their exit and then the new people would get on.

The IMAX theater was awesome!! I loved watching the Lemurs at Madagascar. It was a excellent movie.

The children loved the gift shop too. So much to see as we each walked around. Science Around the Sphere was also very good.

I so appreciate those who could come and enjoy a fun day. Thank you, Thank you again parents who came and supported our classroom and our students.

Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan