Snack Schedule – August – December 2019

Just wanted to post our snack schedule so you can refer to it as needed:

I am in need of help for snack- October 21-25 and November 4-8.

Thank you

Ms. Leslee

  • August 19-23 – Emily
  • August 26-30 – Joanna
  • September 3-6 – Raygan
  • September 9-13 – Aiko
  • September 16-20 – Ruby
  • September 23-27 – Coleman
  • September/October 30-4 – Kevin
  • October 7-11 – Ms. Leslee
  • October 14-16 -Sam
  • October 21-25 – Nickaylee
  • October/November 28-1 – Jacob
  • November 4-8 – ?
  • November 11-15 – Kally
  • November 18-20 – Julianna
  • December 2-6 – Kevin
  • December 9-13 – Nikaylee
  • December 16-20 – Oliver


“Getting to know you bags”

Today- Thursday- 15th I handed out a brown back to each student before the end of the day. This is a “getting to know you bag.” The items should be able to fit into the brown lunch sack.

I told your student that 3-4 items are sufficient to be able to share with our class a little about themselves and what “they enjoy or is special to them.”

If your child can return by Friday- 16th they can share then. This can carry on to next week as well. Just wanted to let each of the parents know this is a fun way to “get to know you!”

Thank you

Ms. Leslee & Ms. Susan

Upcoming Field trip – September “time frame”


Dear Parents and guardians,                                     8-14-19

Today in a faculty meeting after school the lower education teachers where discussing the first field trip coming up for this year.

The idea which has been incorporated in previous years is attending Clark Planetarium in Salt Lake, City.

The proposed was discussed as the mid to end of September.

The teachers each collaborated and felt it would be best to announce this and if any issues came up to address them.

The teachers would like to take the “front runner” and or tracks to arrive there.

Myself, being new, would like to get any input for or against so that if we need to make an adjustment of any sort it can be done.

Thank you,



Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan

Room Parent – Ms. Leslee & Ms. Susan class

As this new year begins I would like to ask for help for a “room parent.” If any one would be willing to take on this responsibility I would be happy to find out exactly what expectations and assignments would entail.

I know many of you are familiar with “room parent” – but there may be some of you, including myself who may need to be sent a reminder.

Please let me know as soon by email if we can have maybe 3 or 4 adults and switch off during the school year? I’m not sure if there are particulars about this set up but I will certainly get details if need be.

I have really enjoyed this week. So much energy and excitement and “talent” in this classroom. So many artists and creative minds as we have read books and extended activities to incorporate their learning and thinking process in addition.

Thank you-

Ms. Leslee & Ms. Susan

Parent Survey

I am just reminding parents to turn in the Parent Survey’s. I would really like to have as much information about your child and family as you are willing to share with me.

This will help Ms. Susan and I to be of greater assistance to your child and any needs we may need to be aware of.

If you need another form – please come in to the classroom or email me and I can send it with your child in their back pack.

Thank you again for your support and for allowing us to bring  your child’s best interest in their learning environment this coming year.


Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan

First Day of School

Today was a wonderful day for our class. I am so proud of each of our students. Ms. Susan and I both commented after school how well we felt our day went.

I am so excited to watch each child develop this year and become strengthened by the knowledge and abilities they acquire. Each student has so much to share to “our community- class.”

Thank you for letting Ms. Susan and I have this opportunity and privilege to help each student thrive.

Today, I read the students a book entitled, “Your Are Special” written by Max Lucado. I told them they are like the whimicks in the story. Each of us have an opportunity to strengthen one another. We don’t want to put “dots” or “stars”- (by labeling- one another.) Each one of us are “special.” Eli- (the maker of the wooden people/ whimicks) tells Punchinello that he doesn’t have to think about what others think. He just needs to be himself. He needs to believe in himself.

Eli knows – just as Ms. Susan and I know- that each one of these children are full of so much potential and they are worth every ounce of learning that we can incorporate.

“Thank you!” to our students today for being so helpful and working together.


Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan

Daily Schedule

Ms. Leslee – Lower EL Daily Schedule

8:30 -9:00 a.m. –   Welcome- Opening circle (greeting/announcement) Heggerty, pledge, brain gym, grace and courtesy)

9:00-10:00 a.m. –    Reading Horizons reading group Level 3- me, level 2- assistant, level 1- me.

10:00-11:15 a.m. –    ELA and math lessons- Work cycle

11:15 a.m. –                Restore for recess

11:30-12:40 p.m –    Recess and lunch

12:40-15:50 p.m.-    Read Aloud

12:50- 1:10 p.m.-     Writing (Engage New York)

1:10 – 2:15 pm.          Cultural and afternoon work cycle

2:15 p.m. –                  Dyed Reading (Choral reading/together)

2:35 p.m. –                 Restore

2:50 p.m. –                Closing – afternoon circle time