Parents- (donation by this week please)


Ms. Shanan has asked if we could help to refurbish our garden boxes. If you are able and willing to help to contribute please let me know. You could take it to the school and leave at the front office. If you can let me know ahead of time I can let Ms. Shanan know and she can be there to receive it- that day if she is available to pick it up.

Thank you-

Ms. Leslee

Donations for GARDEN Boxes- Please put on BLOGS

Hello MMA families,

It is that time of year again! We are planting our school garden boxes for next year and would love your donation! We would love it if each student would donate a plant or a packet of seeds to contribute to our community garden. This will help us tremendously flush out and make our gardens full of a wide variety of plants. Your student could help pick out the plant and bring it to the front office to have planted by our school gardener, Ms. Shanan

Thank you-

Ms. Shanan.

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