6th Grade Blog

Exciting news for 6th graders and their parents!  Ms. Amy has graciously agreed to host a 6th grade blog.  This will be an excellent source for all things related to 6th graders, their fundraisers, socials, committees, student council, etc.  Please subscribe to stay up to date on important information.


Volunteer Opportunity


I have an opportunity for someone to get some volunteer hours.  I am looking for someone who could take all of our washcloths/rags home once a week and our rugs home once every month or two and launder them for us.  Your time would count toward your 40 volunteer hours.  Let me know if you would be interested!





Well, we are almost done with the 4th week of school!  Time sure is going fast.  We are continuing to learn and grow as a class.  I have given lots of new lessons to students and we are making good progress. Some days are better than others and we still struggle sometimes, but overall, we are coming together!  I want to update you on a few things…

The most important news is that we have found our Assistant Teacher!  Her name is Ms. Stephanie and she comes to us with a wealth of knowledge and experience in Montessori.  We are so lucky to have her in our classroom!  I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with her and I know that she will be an amazing addition to our class.

Please don’t forget about the 5K this Saturday!  Its not too late to participate!  You can still register at the front office, or you can register on Saturday starting at 7:00 AM.  This is a great fundraiser for our 6th grade trip to the Redwoods and it is a lot of fun!

Just a reminder that we have a book report due on October 3rd!  If your child hasn’t started reading a book yet, please help them choose one and get started right away!  They may choose any fiction book that is on their reading level.  We have about 20 minutes of reading time every day after recess, so have them bring the book with them to school.  I will be sending the template and rubric for the book report home in the coming days, so be watching for that!

Another reminder that we do not have class snack.  Please send a little extra snack with your child to school if they would like one.  (I can tell you that almost all of them want a snack)  Also, our supply of forks and spoons in the classroom is extremely limited, so please send utensils in their lunch if they need them.

I love your children!  Thanks for sharing them with me!  Please let me know if you ever have any concerns or questions.


Team Building

I want to share a beautiful experience that we had as a class today.  We did a team building activity outside on the field.  The class was divided into groups by grade level.  Each group was given 5 rubber mats.  The goal was to get each member of your group all the way across the field by only stepping on the mats.  If any member of your group stepped onto the grass, the whole group had to start over again.  I gave the groups a few minutes to come up with their strategy and then they began.  Each group came up with the exact same strategy for making it across the field.  They began moving across the field at a slow and steady pace.  The 5th grade group was the first to fall and had to go back to the beginning.  They had a good attitude about it, though, and worked together to make a great comeback.  The 4th grade team had a little bit of a struggle with some arguing and was the next group to fall and get sent back.  They tried again and made really good progress.  As I watched the 5th and 6th grade teams, I was so impressed by the way they were supporting and helping each other.  They were even helping students on the other teams!  When the 4th graders were close to halfway across the field, someone stumbled off of the mat and they had to start all over again.  Most of them rallied together and had a good attitude about it.  A few had a really difficult time.  Two even chose to quit and refused to participate.  Their group went ahead without them and kept on going, even though the other two groups were way ahead of them.  The 5th and 6th graders finished at almost exactly the same time.  They all cheered and celebrated and were so proud of their accomplishment!  Its what happened next that was really amazing.  After they celebrated for a few seconds, they all grabbed their mats and ran over to the 4th grade team and laid out a trail for them so that they could make it across.  As they made it to the front mat, someone was running up from behind with another mat for them the step on.  They were supporting and cheering for their classmates.  It was beautiful!  I nearly started crying and have teared up every time I shared the story with another teacher.  When everyone made it all the way across, we celebrated as a class.  I was so proud of them!  I turned around and looked at the two boys sitting at the opposite side of the field who decided to quit and I felt really bad for them.  I was sad that they missed out on being part of such an amazing experience that really bonded our class together.  I hope that we can continue to build our relationships and strengthen our class as a whole.  We have an amazing group of children!

Remember that there is no school on Monday.  Enjoy your long weekend!


Certified Drivers

Please click on this link for more information on becoming a certified driver:  http://www.mariamontessoriacademy.org/?page_id=118

If you have not subscribed to the school blog, I would highly recommend it.  It is a great way to stay informed about everything that is happening!

Go to www.MariaMontessoriAcademy.org

Click on “Schedules, News & Events”

Click on “Blog”

There is a link to subscribe on the right side


Book Report


Just a quick note about book reports.  Our class will have a book report due around the first of October.  More details will be coming soon.  The genre for this report will be fiction.  Please have your children choose a fiction book that is on their READING (not grade) level and begin reading it now so that they will be ready.  We do have about 15 minutes of silent reading time after recess every day, so your child is welcome to bring their book to school to read during this time.

Thank You!



Today I passed out student planners to the class.  The expectation is that the students will fill out what they did each day in their planners and bring it home.  They need to have it signed by a parent and returned to school the next day.  Please help your students remember their student planners!  This will be a great way for you to see what your child is doing in school each day.  It will also help to teach them responsibility and how to be more organized.  There is a section at the bottom of each day where you and I can write comments or notes to each other.

The beginning of the school year is a very important time in our class.  We are getting to know each other, organizing our things, team building, and setting up expectations.  It is really difficult for the students who are absent to get caught up and know what it going on in the class.  Please try not to have your student miss school during our 6 week normalization period.  These six weeks set the tone for the entire school year.  I understand that things happen, children get sick, etc.  If at all possible, though, please have your children come to school.

Thanks for sharing your children with me!  It has been great spending time with them and getting to know them.


supplies and donations


I just wanted to let you know that we will begin using our school supplies next week, so if you haven’t brought in supplies for your student yet, please do so by Monday.  If you are unable to purchase the supplies, please let me know so that I can make other arrangements.

Also, we have already used up two rolls of paper towels in the first 4 days of school.  If you have any wash cloths, dish towels, or rags that you could donate to our class to wipe down our desks, we would really appreciate it!

We have a class project that will require the use of cut up T-shirts.  If you have some old T-shirts that you no longer need, please consider donating them to our class.  We will be using them to weave a rug for our classroom.  They can be any color or even patterned.

Our first week is going well!  Your children are amazing!




I have received some questions about snack sign-up.  As of now, we are not going to sign up for group snacks.  I am a little undecided about how I want to manage snack this year.  For now, please just include an extra snack in your child’s lunch if you or they feel like they need it during the day.  They will be allowed to get their snack when they feel that they need it.

Also, please be sure that you are packing healthy lunches for your children.  Absolutely no candy or sodas will be allowed.  No red drinks or things that will stain please.  If your child is packing something that needs a spoon or a fork, please send one from home.  We have a very limited supply of utensils in our classroom.

Our 4th graders have a field trip coming up in October to the American West Heritage Center up by Logan.  We are working on making transportation arrangements.  If you are a 4th grade parent and you are a certified driver or plan to become one before October, please let me know ASAP.

We had a great first day today!  I am excited for tomorrow!
