6th Grade Planetarium Field Trip

The 6th Graders will be going on a field trip to the planetarium on Tuesday, March 24th.  This is a fun trip that reinforces all of the things that we are currently studying in science.  Please ask them for their permission slips and return them as soon as possible.  There is no cost for this field trip.  Students will need to be dropped off and picked up from the Ogden Frontrunner station.  Times and details are on the permission slip.  Please let me know if you have any questions.


Ocean Animal Research Report

Hello!  I wanted to let you know that I assigned the 4th and 5th grade students a report this week about an ocean animal.  I gave them a packet of papers that explain the assignment and what questions they need to answer.  Hopefully they brought it home.  Many of the students have been excited about this assignment and have been wanting to work on it in class.  This is a home project, however, and we will not take time to work on it at school.  Along with the report, there also needs to be some sort of project about their animal.  They can use their creativity for this and do whatever they would like to show their animal and what they have learned about it.  The due date for this assignment is April 10th.

FYI this assignment was optional for the 6th graders because they will be doing a large state study for geography/history.  Some 6th graders chose to do it, though.  More info on the state study will be coming soon…

Thank You!

I wanted to thank those of you who donated supplies and came in to help with our Pi Day celebration today!  The pies turned out great and the day was a big success.  I couldn’t have done it without you!

I also wanted to thank the drivers who helped out with our State Capitol field trip last week.  It turned out to be a little frustrating because of parking, but  I appreciated your patience and good attitudes.  It was a really fun trip and we had some neat experiences!  Thank you!


Our 5th Annual MMA GALA is right right around the corner.  The funds for this year’s event are specifically targeted to help purchase a computer lab!  Your attendance, financial support, and commitment to this event is greatly appreciated!
Anyone can buy Gala Raffle Tickets to win the following prizes (Grill (picture below), iPad Mini and Samsung Tablet) Tickets – Thursday, Friday and Monday – Thursday next week after school 3:00-3:15pm!  $2.00 for 1 ticket 3 tickets for $5!
Purchase your GALA tickets and GALA Raffle Tickets on the following dates:
Saturday, March 14th at Smiths from 10:00am-4:00pm
Friday, March 13th after school at North Shore and in the school’s main lobby.
Friday, March 20th after school at North Shore and in the school’s main lobby.
You can also purchase your GALA tickets online using the link below!
Here is a teaser – Below are samples of the Art Work for the Live Auction! You want to be sure to walk away with a piece of art work your child helped create!
photo (4)
photo (5)

Pi Day!

Every year, our class has a Pi Day celebration.  It will be this Friday, March 13th.  We will be learning all about Pi with some fun lessons, stories, and activities.  The highlight of the celebration is always eating pies!  This year we will be making our own pies.  I have created a sign up sheet for ingredients if you feel like you can help.  Please sign up here:  http://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/hgrxb  If your child has special dietary restrictions, please let me know so we can make sure they can fully participate.  I would also love to have a couple of parents come and help us make the pies.  We will begin making the pies first thing Friday morning so that they will be ready to eat after lunch.  If you would like to help, please e-mail me at kgonzales@mariamontessoriacademy.org and let me know!  Thanks for all you do!


Taking Care of Business


Just letting you know that the new lists on Spelling City have been up since this morning.  Students have 5 assignments plus a spelling test and vocabulary test to complete by Friday.  Many began working on that in class today.

The new areas of focus for IXL this week are as follows:

4th Grade:  A.6, B.9, D.2, D.3

5th Grade:  A.6, B.5, C.1, C.3

6th Grade:  A.3, B.2, C.4, E.1

I am trying to get the students using their planners again.  Many of the students had their planners today, so thank you!  They all wrote in their planners or on a paper what works they did today.  Please sign these and return them to school tomorrow.

Today our class began using Study Guides for the first time.  I gave each student a study guide with their work expectations for the week in morning work cycle as well as for their cultural studies.  Most students really liked the study guides and said that it helped them feel more organized.  A few students struggled with the change, but I am hoping that they will get used to it soon.

Most of you know that our assistant teacher, Ms. Stephanie, left our class to pursue another job opportunity.  I am happy to report that we have found another wonderful assistant teacher named Ms. Erin who will start next week!  Erin spent some time in our class on Friday and the students and I feel that she will be a great addition to our class.  Yeah!

As always, please let me know if you have any concerns or questions!




I would like our class to get back to using our student planners.  I ask the students to write in their planners daily, but a majority of the students tell me that they have no idea where their planners are.  Will you please have your children look for their planners and bring them to school tomorrow?  Thanks so much!


Gala Tickets

Gala tickets are now on sale to purchase online!  It is a fun, adult only party that is looked forward to all year! It is a night of dinner, entertainment, silent auction, raffle, and live auction. 100% of the proceeds go to the school!
The Gala will be held Saturday, March 21st at The Hub in Riverdale. Click on the link below to purchase your tickets.
Tickets will also be on sale every Friday afternoon from 3:00-315 at the North Shore parking lot.