SAGE testing


A reminder that we are taking our SAGE Math test tomorrow morning.  We will begin testing first thing, so try to be on time.  Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep and has a healthy, non-sugary breakfast.  Have your child bring a nutritious snack and a water bottle.

A big problem we encounter with SAGE testing is that students rush through and don’t take the time to think and figure out the answers.  Please encourage your child not to stress or rush, but to take their time and do their best.



Field Trip Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is our field trip to the aquarium!  We are so excited!  Please have your child here on time.  We want to leave as close to 8:30 as possible.  In order to facilitate a quick exit, we will be meeting at the North Shore parking lot.  Please be sure your child uses the restroom ahead of time.  The only thing they need to bring with them is a lunch and if they want to, money for the gift shop and their driver.  Plan to pick up your child in their usual spot after school at 3:00.

If you are coming along and driving your own child, I would still like you to meet us at North Shore if at all possible.  I would like to be able to talk to all of the adult chaperones and account for everyone.  If it is out of your way, plan to meet us at the aquarium at about 9:45.  Please let me know that you are meeting us there, though, so we are not waiting for you.

I hope that’s everything!  It should be really fun!  Let me know if you have any questions.



Just a reminder that April 28th is the absolute last day to order a yearbook!  Here is how you can order:

The information below is in regards to the 2014-15 MMA Pre-K/Elementary Yearbook:
Order Your Yearbook Now – Just follow the steps below:
Step 1: Visit
Step 2: Enter your pay code “75924” and click next

Step 3: Buy a yearbook for $25.00 or with personalized name for $30.00

Order online through: April 28, 2015 EST

If you have any questions about ordering your

yearbook contact – our school’s yearbook adviser.
From past experience, I know that some of the students get really sad on the last day of school when everyone is signing yearbooks and they don’t have one.
Thank You,


Aquarium/Ocean Animal Research Reports


Our class is planning a fun field trip while the 6th graders are in the Redwoods.  We will be going to the Living Planet Aquarium on Wednesday, April 29th!  Permission slips were sent home last week.  So far I have only received a few back, so ask your children for them and make sure they get returned ASAP.

Also, the ocean animal research reports for the 4th and 5th graders were due on Friday, April 10th.  I still have 6 students who have not turned them in.  I let the students know that if their reports have not been turned in by April 28th, they will not be allowed to go with us on our field trip.  Please help your children get these projects done and turned in.





Just a reminder that we will be taking our SAGE Language Arts test on Monday.  Please have healthy snacks/lunch, a water bottle, a book in case they finish early, and a good night’s rest.   Students who will not be testing with us on Monday should still come to school.  We do not start testing until noon and they will have other work to do for the short time that we are testing.

Thank You!



Just a few reminders…

The 4th and 5th grade Ocean Animal Research projects are due on Friday.  I look forward to seeing them!

I sent home papers today about the school spelling bee and spring pictures (April 14).   There was also a reminder about ordering a yearbook.  Its not too late!

The 6th graders are planning a chili cook off for April 16th.  Each class has been asked to enter a pot of chili into the contest.  If you make great chili and would be willing to come help our class cook some next Thursday, I would really appreciate it!

The 6th graders have each chosen a state to study and do a project about.  I haven’t given them specific details yet, but they can start researching their state and taking notes and thinking about how they would like to present it.  Some ideas are a poster, a travel brochure, a power point, a model that includes landmarks and land and water forms, etc.  Another thing the 6th graders should be working on is learning their states and capitals.  A fun app that helps with learning about the states is “stack the states”.  I have it on my ipad and it is great!

Thanks so much for your help and support!



SAGE Testing

We have received our scheduled testing dates for SAGE.  We will be doing our Language test on April 20th at 12:00 PM, our Math test on May 7th at 8:45 AM, and our Science test on May 20th at 8:45 AM.  Please do what you can to make sure your children are at school on those dates.

Thank You!


Chili Cook Off!

The 6th grade fundraising committee is planning a Chili Cook Off on April 16th at 6:00 PM.  This is the last fundraiser for the 6th graders before their trip to the Redwoods.  Please see the attached flyer for more information.  Tickets will be on sale after school on Wednesday the 8th and 15th as well as at the event. If you make a delicious pot of chili, please consider signing up to enter the contest!  There will be prizes for the winners!

Sign up to bring chili here:

Sign up to bring sides for the chili here:

6th graders and their parents can sign up here to volunteer to help:

chili cook off flyer



Egg Drop!

It is time for our annual egg drop!  We will be having our egg drop on Friday, March 27th.  I keep forgetting to mention it to the students, so it will be new information for them!  I think that we are going to work on this project in class this year instead of having the students build their contraptions at home.  If you could donate any materials to the cause, I would appreciate it!  Anything that you think could be used to protect an egg as it is dropped from up high.  Some ideas would be toothpicks, string, straws, bubble wrap, balloons, boxes, cotton balls, pipe cleaners, newspapers, etc.  I will provide the raw eggs.  Thanks for you help with this!  The students love it!
