First Day!


We had an awesome first day of school today!  Your children are amazing and adorable.  I am so excited for this school year!

We started using our student planners today.  Please ask your child to see their planner and sign it.  They need to bring it back to class tomorrow.  Also, if you were unable to come to Back to School Night, I sent some papers home with your child for you to fill out.  I would like to have those back ASAP.

I thought of something I needed to share with you.  We do have some dishes available for use in our classroom, but our supply is limited.  We are especially low on silverware.  If your child’s lunch requires a spoon or a fork, please send them with one from home.

Just a reminder that the North Shore parking lot will not be available for pick up in the afternoons for the first two weeks of school until the pool closes for the season.  Thanks for your patience and cooperation.

This whole first week of school is early out days.  School will be dismissed at 1:00 PM every day.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns or if you think of anything I need to know about your child.  My e-mail is


Back to School!


It was great seeing so many of you at the pool party on Tuesday night!  It made me excited to get back to school and spend time with your amazing children.  Just a week and a half until the first day of school!

The school has just published their August newsletter.  It is full of important dates and information.  Please click this link to go to the newsletter:

Back to school night for parents is on August 13th from 7:00-8:00 PM.  If you are new to school or would like to know more about Montessori, there is a Montessori 101 presentation the same night from 6:30-7:00 PM.  I hope to see you there!

All 4th graders and any students who are new to our school are invited to attend New Student Orientation on August 14th from 2:00-2:45 PM.  Please plan to drop your student off at the school and not accompany them inside.  We will take good care of them!

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about anything as you prepare to come back to school!  My e-mail address is





School Supplies!

Here are the supplies for the 2015-2016 school year.  Please feel free to use supplies you still have from last year if they are in good shape.  The students will be keeping their own supplies. Please label everything with your child’s first and last names.  The binder should be labeled on the spine.  It is helpful if supplies are unpackaged before the students bring them to school.  The dividers and page protectors can be put into the binder.  The pencils, scissors, etc. can be put into the pencil box.  If you are unable to get these supplies, please let me know.  Thank you for your support!

White 1 1/2″  three ring binder

25 page protectors

1 package of 5 dividers with pockets

2 five subject notebooks with pockets in the dividers (these are usually the nicer ones with the plastic covers instead of cardboard) (any colors)

1 package loose leaf notebook paper

1 package 24 Ticonderoga pencils (these are the only pencils that hold up!)

1 package 24 colored pencils

2 wide ruled composition notebooks (black)

1 pair scissors

1 ruler

1 pencil box

2 plastic 3 prong folders with pockets (any colors)

indoor shoes (slippers, crocs, etc.  No characters)

These supplies are optional but appreciated and helpful in the classroom:

flashdrive (personal)

1 pkg of 4 multi-color vis-a-vis wet erase-markers (fine point) (class donation)

markers (personal or class donation)

tissues (class donation)

paper towels (class donation)

disinfecting wipes (class donation)

handheld pencil sharpener (personal)

glue stick or bottle of school glue (class donation)

graph paper (class donation)

water colors (class donation)



Summer Slide


I hope that you are all having an amazing summer!  I don’t know about you, but it is going way too fast for me.  I hope to have a school supply list up soon so you can start preparing for the next school year.  I have already seen some sales here and there.  Also, don’t forget about the upcoming pool party at North Shore on August 4th.  I hope to see all of you there!

I just wanted to remind everyone to try to do all they can to avoid the summer slide!  Students lose a lot of knowledge when they don’t practice over the summer.  Please be sure your children are reading this summer.  I have been monitoring IXL and have only seen 3 or 4 students log in and practice their math skills.  Even 30 minutes a week would be so helpful!  Also, please encourage your children to write this summer.  Writing in a journal or writing letters to friends or family members would be great practice!

Enjoy the rest of your summer.  I look forward to seeing you in a few weeks!


This Week


I hope you are all enjoying your holiday weekend!  I just wanted to remind you of a few things that are coming up this week.

Tuesday-Friday are all early out days.  Please pick up your child at 1:00 PM.

Don’t forget to sign up for parent teacher conferences here:

There was a mix up about pajama day.  Tuesday is not pajama day.  Students may wear pajamas on Friday for the dress down day instead.  Please see my previous post about the other spirit days.

I promised the students that we could have a class store before the end of the year.  We will hold our class store on Wednesday morning.  Students may sell things that they no longer want, items that they have made, or they may provide a service.

Thursday at 10:30 AM is the 6th grade graduation.  Families of 6th graders are encouraged to attend!  We have decided to have a Best Wishes Breakfast before the graduation.  This breakfast will be for our entire class to honor our 6th graders and wish them the best as they transition into Jr. High.  Parents of 6th graders only are invited to attend with their students if they would like.  Breakfast will begin at about 9:15 AM.

Please let me know if you have any questions!


End of Year!

We are entering the last two weeks of school!  I can hardly believe it.  Please remind your children that they need to keep it together for another two weeks.  We still have some learning to do!

Here are some important dates to make note of for the next two weeks.

May 19th is our final SAGE test.  We will be testing in Science.  Please make sure your child gets a good night’s rest and a healthy breakfast.

May 19th is also the final Box Top Store.  Be sure to bring all of the Box Tops you’ve been saving!

May 22nd is our class talent show and field day!  The talent show will begin at 9:00 AM in the gym.  Parents are invited to come!  Field day will be later in the afternoon.  Please make sure your child has sunscreen!  We will be outside for about two hours.

May 25th there is no school for Memorial Day!

May 26th, 27th, and 28th are Parent Teacher Conferences.  Students should attend these conferences with you.  Please sign up here:

May 28th is 6th grade graduation at 10:30 AM.  This will be held outside on the field, so dress accordingly.

School Spirit Days

May 26th – PJ Day

May 27th – Crazy Hat/Hair Day

May 28th – Crazy Sock Day

May 29th – Dress Down Day ( no logos)

May 26th-29th are all early release days.  Plan to pick your child up at 1:00 PM.

May 29th is yearbook signing and the last day of school!

Pleas put all of these important dates on your calendar!





FatBoy Fundraiser

The Jr High is doing a FatBoy Ice Cream Fundraiser!!! Yay!!
This Fundraiser is open to the entire school! Proceeds will benefit the 9th Grade Field Trip Fund.
 Starting May 6th we will be selling Fatboy Ice Cream Sandwiches and Fatboy Nut Sundaes for $25.00 a box. Each box contains 30 delicious Ice Cream treats.
This is a pre-sale fundraiser, which means you will need to collect the money up front. Each Student will be sent home with a Fatboy Fundraiser Order form and an envelope by May 5th.
All order forms and money collected will need to be turned in to the main office no later than May 20th. We will also have a table set up in the North Shore Parking lot before and after school on May 20th for parents or Students to turn their order sheets in at. (no money will be given to individual teachers)
Orders will be ready for pick up May 29th In the North Shore Parking lot beginning at 12:45 p.m. Once you pick up your order it will need to be delivered or placed in a freezer within 45 minutes.  THIS IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!
FatBoy BoxFatBoy Nut Sundaes
Fatboy Ice Cream Sandwiches and Fatboy Nut Sundaes.
How much: $25.00 for a box of 30
Payment method: Cash or Checks (made payable to MMA Jr High)
Selling Period: May 6th thru May 20th.
Delivery Date: May 29th at 12:45 p.m. North Shore Parking Lot
 Additional information will be included with your childs order form. This may be perfect for summer family/friend gatherings, treats for sports events, or even just a cool treat to enjoy through the summer!
Thank you,
Jaime Boothe
Jr. High Secretary
Maria Montessori Academy



I just want to remind you that our school has a healthy food policy.  I have seen a lot of “junk” food and sweets being brought to school for breakfast, snacks, and lunch.  Your child can not do their best and focus on their work when they are eating doughnuts, cake, and cookies throughout the day.  Please help support a positive learning environment and healthy minds by providing nutritious meals and snacks for your students.

Thank you for your support!
