some quick reminders


Studio Friday papers are due back tomorrow.  I am still missing 11 of them.  If your child lost theirs, they can print another one at home and fill it out and bring it to school tomorrow.  You can find the papers here:  studiofriday

Our class is in charge of putting together a movie basket to be auctioned off at the school’s gala fundraiser.  We are looking for donations to fill the basket.  Some ideas might be movie passes, DVDs, popcorn, treats, a blanket, etc.  We need the basket to be completed by Friday, March 3rd.  Please let me know if you are able to make a donation or simply send it to school with your child.

Biography book reports are due on Monday, March 6th.

The maturation program for 5th graders is on March 7th.  Permission slips went home today.

Our field trip to the Capitol is on March 9th.  I still need several permission slips for that as well.  I also need 1 parent to ride the bus with us and help chaperone.  If you would like to attend, please let me know.

The 4th grade Utah history project is due on March 27th.  They received a guideline for their project, so if you  haven’t seen it yet, please ask them about it.

Our snack sign up is pretty empty for the rest of the school year.  Please sign up if you are able to help.  Its really important to the students.

Finally, thanks so much to everyone who came to parent teacher conferences.  They were wonderful!  If you were unable to attend, please let me know so we can schedule a time to meet.





So, its February already!  I can’t believe it.  I guess time does fly when you’re having fun!  Here are a few things you should know about.

Parent Teacher Conferences are next week.  This conference is student led, so please make sure your child attends with you.  If you haven’t had a chance to sign up yet, please do so here:   I look forward to meeting with you!

Our next home project is a biography book report.  The students should choose a person in honor of either Black History Month or Women’s History Month.  They have to actually read a book about their person and not just search them online.  All of the students were given an expectation sheet or packet to guide them in their report.  This report is due on March 6th.

Valentine’s Day is next week.  We decided to have a little party that afternoon.  If you would like to come and help with an activity, please contact our room mom Shanna Klaasesz at  Also, we will be doing a valentine exchange.  We have 24 students in the class.  If your child chooses to participate in the exchange, they need to bring a valentine for everyone.  They should also bring a bag or box to collect all of their valentines.  Some of the students have asked for a class list to label their valentines.  I will e-mail a list rather than post it on the blog for privacy reasons.

I’m sure I’m forgetting some things, but at least this is a start.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
