Gala Tickets

Gala tickets are now on sale to purchase online!  It is a fun, adult only party that is looked forward to all year! It is a night of dinner, entertainment, silent auction, raffle, and live auction. 100% of the proceeds go to the school!
The Gala will be held Saturday, March 21st at The Hub in Riverdale. Click on the link below to purchase your tickets.
Tickets will also be on sale every Friday afternoon from 3:00-315 at the North Shore parking lot.

Field Trip


Our class will be going on a field trip on Monday, March 2nd to the Utah State Capitol and Daughters of Utah Pioneers Museum in Salt Lake City.  I sent home permission slips today, so please ask your child about it and return it as soon as possible.  We will be leaving school at 9:00 AM and returning by about 2:30 PM.  There is no cost for this trip.  Our plan is to use private vehicles for transportation.  I have received confirmation that Sheralin Noble, Lynn Murphy, and Melissa Smith can help drive that day.  If you are a certified driver and can help, please let me know ASAP.  If you are not a certified driver, but would be willing to help with transportation, let me know that as well.

Also,  I need all of the permission slips for the 5th grade maturation program returned on Monday.  So far I only have one from Griffin and Haylen.

Thanks so much!


Spelling City and IXL


I just wanted to let you know that I have updated the lists on Spelling City and they are all ready to go.  I have made the list for the remainder of this week and next week.  There are 10 assignments that are due next Friday.  The spelling and vocabulary tests should only be done after all of the other tasks have been completed.

I have also chosen some concepts I would like the students to be practicing on IXL.  No specific assignments are due on any specific day, but I would like to see that these tasks have been practice by next Wednesday.

4th Grade-R.7, D.2, C.2

5th Grade-M.3, N.15, F.1

6th Grade-B.2, U.2, V.6



Lost and Found


The charger for our classroom’s iPad Mini has gone missing.  It has actually been missing for several weeks now.  If you have noticed an extra charger around your house that could possibly belong to our classroom, will you please send it back to school with your child?  Also, a student left a small flashlight at school last week.  It was sitting on my rainbow table during parent teacher conferences.  Today when I wanted to return it to the student, it was gone.  It is small, metal, blue, and is a flashlight and laser pointer.  The student would really like to have it back.  If you notice your child with something matching this description, please have them return it to me.

Today some of the students found a key in the classroom.  If your child is missing a key, please contact me and I will be sure to get it back to you.

Also, your children have run out of pencils!  We do not keep a supply of pencils in our classroom.  Each student brought pencils at the beginning of the year and was responsible for keeping their own.  I have supplied some pencils, but it would be great if you could get some pencils for your child if you have a chance.

Thanks for your help with these things!


Thank You!

I wanted to take a minute to thank you and your children for all of the sweet Valentines and gifts Ms. Stephanie and I received last week.  We really appreciate all of the kind gestures and thoughts that we received.

I also wanted to thank those of you who came to Parent Teacher Conferences last week.  It was such a wonderful experience!  I can truly say that I LOVE being able to take the time to reflect on each one of my students and how they are doing and what they might need.  I LOVE being able talk with you and your children together so that we can work as a team to make sure they are having the best possible educational experience.  I love your children and I want to see them succeed and reach their full potential.  And I want them to be happy : )  Thank you for sharing them with me.

If you were unable to come to conferences and you would still like to meet with me, please let me know!


Science Fair

Just a reminder that the science fair for 4th and 5th grade students is tomorrow and the science fair for 6th graders is on Thursday.  Students should be here to set up their boards by 8:15 AM.  All students should have a display board and a lab notebook.  Sixth grade students also need a research paper complete with a bibliography.  On Wednesday, the science fair will be open for public viewing from 2-4 PM.  All projects will need to go home so that they can set up for the Jr. High science fair.  On Thursday, the Jr. High science fair will be open for public viewing from 4-6 PM.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

For last minute help with the science fair and putting together a display board and research paper, please go to  There is a tab at the top that says “Project Guide” and it will give you instructions on how to put together your project.

Good Luck!  I can’t wait to see all of the projects!

Next Week

Just a few reminders about next week…

Don’t forget to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences.  They will be Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 1:30-7:00PM.  If there is not a time that works for you, please let me know so that we can make other arrangements.  Remember to bring your students to this conference.  I love conferences and truly look forward to meeting with each one of you.

Due to Parent Teacher Conferences, Tues., Wed., and Thurs. will be early out days.  School will be dismissed at 1:00 PM.

There is no school on Friday the 13th or Monday the 16th!  Enjoy your long weekend!  Actually, I hope that you spend the weekend working on science fair projects, because the science fair is on Wednesday, February 18th!

Our class will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on Thursday, February 12th.  We will be having a “Fall in Love With Reading” Day.  Students may bring pillows and blankets and their favorite books to read.  They may also bring board games or card games to play.  Students may bring valentines to exchange, but need to bring one for everyone in the class.  All candy must be sealed and not consumed until the students get home.  Here is a class list, in case you want to label the valentines:

Aubree, Erin, McKane, Braiden, Lucas, Hayes, Treycen, Julian, Andrew, Griffin, Isaac, Emily, Gracie, Haylen, Austin, Lori Grace, Sienna, Rebekah, Brayden, Kobe, Tyzek, Don, Alex, and Trace

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  I am grateful for the opportunity to work with your children.  I love them!


SAGE Writing Test


Just a reminder that our class will be taking the SAGE Writing Test on TUESDAY morning.  It was originally scheduled for Wednesday, but got moved to Tuesday.  Please be sure that your child gets a good night’s sleep the night before and that they eat a good breakfast.  They may bring a healthy snack and a water bottle, but NO GUM.


Thank You,
