Science Fair

Believe it or not, it is time to start thinking about the science fair!  I sent home a paper today that your child should have given to you about choosing their science fair topic.  This will be due in one week, on September 30th.   We talked in class about what makes a good science fair topic.  It should be a question that can be answered through fair experiments. is an excellent resource and I highly recommend using it throughout the science fair process.  Let me know if you have any questions!

Spelling Words

Here are this week’s spelling words.  I have the students in groups by color.  I forgot the green list at school (sorry!), so I will have to send that one out tomorrow.  Your child should know which color is theirs.  I give out new lists on Fridays and test on Thursdays.  Sorry for the delay in sending them home this week.  Since this is the first week we have done spelling, expect your student to move lists in the coming weeks as I get a better idea of their abilities.

Orange List:  cylinder, examine, fatal, feature, grasp, jet, marine, scar, tentacle, vessel

Yellow List:  affection, appeal, clasp, conspicuous, contribute, declare, eloquent, exhibit, ferry, immigrant, lofty, pedestal, persecute, poverty, unveil

Blue List:  avid, brusque, concise, demean, despicable, emulate, evoke, excruciating, inaugurate, pervade, proprietor, pseudonym, rebuff, resilient, turbulent

A request from Ms. Nicoletta

Dear Parents-
Next semester for Upper Elementary studio I will be teaching The Art of Physiology.  My vision is to be doing hands-on-dissections and having professional visits from people related to health science and physiology.  I would like this class to be a more in-depth approach for those students who are seeking and are interested in anatomy sciences, being doctors, nurses, dentists or anywhere in the health field.
I am seeking two things:
  • ·         Professionals of any of the fields or contacts to professionals
  • ·         With hunting season coming up- I am seeking animal parts (hearts, brains, etc.) that I can than freeze for lessons.
Please contact me if you have questions, contacts or remains.
Please let me know by October 3!

6th Grade Blog

Exciting news for 6th graders and their parents!  Ms. Amy has graciously agreed to host a 6th grade blog.  This will be an excellent source for all things related to 6th graders, their fundraisers, socials, committees, student council, etc.  Please subscribe to stay up to date on important information.

Volunteer Opportunity


I have an opportunity for someone to get some volunteer hours.  I am looking for someone who could take all of our washcloths/rags home once a week and our rugs home once every month or two and launder them for us.  Your time would count toward your 40 volunteer hours.  Let me know if you would be interested!





Well, we are almost done with the 4th week of school!  Time sure is going fast.  We are continuing to learn and grow as a class.  I have given lots of new lessons to students and we are making good progress. Some days are better than others and we still struggle sometimes, but overall, we are coming together!  I want to update you on a few things…

The most important news is that we have found our Assistant Teacher!  Her name is Ms. Stephanie and she comes to us with a wealth of knowledge and experience in Montessori.  We are so lucky to have her in our classroom!  I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with her and I know that she will be an amazing addition to our class.

Please don’t forget about the 5K this Saturday!  Its not too late to participate!  You can still register at the front office, or you can register on Saturday starting at 7:00 AM.  This is a great fundraiser for our 6th grade trip to the Redwoods and it is a lot of fun!

Just a reminder that we have a book report due on October 3rd!  If your child hasn’t started reading a book yet, please help them choose one and get started right away!  They may choose any fiction book that is on their reading level.  We have about 20 minutes of reading time every day after recess, so have them bring the book with them to school.  I will be sending the template and rubric for the book report home in the coming days, so be watching for that!

Another reminder that we do not have class snack.  Please send a little extra snack with your child to school if they would like one.  (I can tell you that almost all of them want a snack)  Also, our supply of forks and spoons in the classroom is extremely limited, so please send utensils in their lunch if they need them.

I love your children!  Thanks for sharing them with me!  Please let me know if you ever have any concerns or questions.
