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Celebration of Life

A Celebration of Life is a wonderful way to celebrate and honoring a child’s life and accomplishments. The Celebration of life is part of our Montessori curriculum. The Celebration of life can happen for each child during each of their school years, beginning with their Early Childhood years to Lower and Upper Elementary. This celebration can happen anytime throughout the year. Many parents try to schedule the celebration around their students birthday, I neither encourage nor discourage the time of year you would like to schedule the Celebration of Life.  We ask that only parents attend the Celebration of Life. We like this to be about the child being celebrated. Please do not bring any treats. If you would like, you may donate a book, game or supplies in your child’s name to our classroom. Please email me so we can set a day and time for your child’s Celebration of Life.

The Celebration usually only lasts for about 30 minutes. We usually start by handing out compliments to the person being celebrated. The next part is about 10-15 minutes of you celebrating your child or your child presenting what has been prepared. We then sing a quick song about the Earth going around the sun. The last 5-10 minutes the students get to ask the child questions. Things like what is you favorite food, movie, song are among the most asked questions.

If possible, please find a picture for each year of the child’s life and be prepared to tell a short life story or a bit about each picture to share at the celebration. Please include your child in selecting pictures and telling his or her life story.

Here are some ideas of what you could include in the life story.

  • How was your child’s name chosen?
  • When is the child’s birthday?
  • Funny stories of cravings or delivery. (Remember this is a young crowd! Not too graphic)
  • Tell of the things you did to take care of the baby.
  • Tell of some “firsts” you remember. (Words, crawl, walk, etc.)
  • At each year, tell of anything the child was doing, any lessons they started, interests, vacations, bumps, bruises, etc.
  • Please include some of the messes you had to clean up because of your child.
  • Did/does your child have a favorite comfort item such as a blanket or stuffed animal?
  • In what ways is your child helpful at home?

There are many different ways to present we have had families prepare a poster board, pass around the iPad or other device that holds the child’s Celebration of Life album. Printed pictures. scrapbook albums, whatever you come up with will be great. Please try to keep it within the 10-15 minutes scheduled into the celebration.

Please do not feel offended, if I ask your child if they would like to walk you to the front. The students are much easier to transition when our guests have left the room.

I do not create a sign up. I have my preferred days and times that can change as our classroom changes, I also like to be able to be flexible with your schedules.  Please email me so we can set a day and time for your child’s Celebration of Life.

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