Fun Pics

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No School Monday

Hello All,

Thank you to everyone who was able to come and help with the Valentine party or were able to donate something. The kids had a great time and so did the teachers 🙂 Thank you all for being so supportive and loving of your children. We are only able to do fun things like our Valentine party because of your support. So thank you all so much!

Just a reminder that we do not have school this Monday, February 17, in celebration of President’s Day.

Since we had so many friends out today, we will be doing our class spelling bee this coming Wednesday. All kids are encouraged to participate. However, only level 3s will be eligible for the school bee.

Literacy week will be the week of February 24. In celebration of this, we want all students to share with us about their favorite book. To do this we are asking that everyone bring a picture of the cover of their favorite book. This can either be printed, copied, or drawn. We would love to have the book covers shared this coming week so they can be displayed throughout the week of Literacy week. Please help your child get a picture of their favorite book cover and help prepare them to share a bit about the book and why they love it.

Don’t forget, Literacy Night is Thursday, February 27. All are invited to come and celebrate. There will also be a book fair.

The annual MMA GALA is coming up in just over a month. Tickets will go on sale shortly. This is one of our biggest fundraisers for the school and a lot of fun. This year it will be held at the Timbermine Lodge. So not only will you be with good company but also get good food. If you are able, I would encourage you to attend. This is for adults only and is a fun night out. Please watch for more info on the tickets. As part of this our class has been asked to put together a basket for the silent auction. Our classes basket is family fitness. Some ideas include but are not limited to work out balls, bungee cables, weights, jump ropes, water bottles, games, etc. You can send any of these items to the school with your child and I will take care of them. Also, if you have baskets you are not using and would be willing to donate for the GALA, you can send them as well.

Please check TrackitForward for opportunities to help with after school programs. We need more volunteers, and if we cannot get them, we cannot have the wonderful programs. The next MAPA meeting will be Thursday, March 5th at 5:30 for anyone who would like to share input and ideas with our wonderful committee.

As always, thank you for all you do!


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Valentine Reminder

Hello All,

First of all, thank you all for signing up to help with the Valentine party. If you are not planning on attending to help, please send whatever you will be donating with your child in the morning. We can keep whatever we need to in the fridge.

We will be having our Valentine party at 1 pm tomorrow afternoon. During this time students will participate in different stations. They will have a yogurt parfait snack, make a craft, and play two games. After the party we will hand out any Valentines that the kids have brought. Remember, these are optional and students do not need to bring them. If they choose to, please only put who it is from and not who it is to so the kids don’t have to hunt around for a certain name. We have 20 kids in our class and 2 teachers. If your child would like, they can bring a box they made at home. Otherwise, we have bags the kids decorated today. If your child was not able to be here today, a bag was made for them. If you child is not able to attend tomorrow, we will still make sure they get their Valentines.

Again, thank you for all your support.


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Valentine Party

Hello All,

Our Valentine party sign up is on Track it Forward. If you can help out in any way, please sign up.



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Valentine’s Day

Hello Everyone,

What crazy weather we get here in northern Utah. Intense snow for multiple days and then rain during the night. Because we had art during our regular recess time on Thursday, our class went out to recess by ourselves later in the day. It was so wonderful to watch all the kids playing and getting along. A majority of our class took it upon themselves to add to a small wall that was already started. Together the kids rolled up about 12 large snowballs so big my arms would not fit around them. They added to the wall and made it almost a complete circle. I completely enjoyed watching the kids work together and come to each other’s aid as they needed it with pushing the snowballs and packing them together to create a wall. I was able to take some pictures and will include them in a separate post.

A few reminders for this week:
Our Valentine’s Day party will be the afternoon of Friday the 14th. Students are invited to bring a valentine and/or candy to share with their friends. To make things go easier and quicker, do not have students put the name of who the card is to on it, just who it is from. This way they are not searching for a long time for a certain name. We have 20 students in our class and 2 teachers. In class we will be decorating bags for the students to put their valentine’s in. If they want to bring a box, it will need to be decorated at home. Please be checking Trackitforward for sign ups to help or donate for this.
Friday is also the day we will do our class spelling bee. We will do this in the morning. Even though, only level 3s will be able to participate in the school spelling bee, all levels are encouraged to participate in the class bee if they are comfortable doing so.
Friday is also our first ever MMA Share the Love event. This is an opportunity for families to come and see our school. there will be 3 different tours that parents can sign up for; 9 am, 11 am, or 1 pm. Anyone interested will need to go to this link and sign up for a time along with give information about how many people will be attending. This is not just for families who already attend our school, but for anyone interesting in learning more and possibly attending in the future. Please feel free to share this info on social media, tell your family and neighbors and friends. We want to show everyone how amazing our school and teachers are.

The annual MMA GALA is coming up in just over a month. Tickets will go on sale shortly. This is one of our biggest fundraisers for the school and a lot of fun. This year it will be held at the Timbermine Lodge. So not only will you be with good company but also get good food. If you are able, I would encourage you to attend. This is for adults only and is a fun night out. Please watch for more info on the tickets. As part of this our class has been asked to put together a basket for the silent auction. Our classes basket is family fitness. Some ideas include but are not limited to work out balls, bungee cables, weights, jump ropes, water bottles, games, etc. You can send any of these items to the school with your child and I will take care of them. Also, if you have baskets you are not using and would be willing to donate for the GALA, you can send them as well.

Please check TrackitForward for opportunities to help with after school programs. We need more volunteers, and if we cannot get them, we cannot have the wonderful programs. The next MAPA meeting will be Thursday, March 5th at 5:30 for anyone who would like to share input and ideas with our wonderful committee.

We do not have school Monday, February 17th in celebration of President’s Day.

Classic Skate Night is scheduled for Friday, the 21.

Don’t forget about Literacy Night Thursday, the 27th.

Thanks as always! Have a wonderful weekend.


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Science Festival

Hello Everyone!

We have had an amazing week with wonderful science presentations. All the students who have presented have done a wonderful job and we have loved seeing and learning about what they have learned. If your child has not been able to bring their project in yet, please send it in tomorrow.

Tomorrow Lower Elementary will be having a mini science festival among the classes on their side of the building. This festival will be similar to the International Festival, but different in some ways.  Each class will take some time to visit three other classes and get to see the projects done in those rooms and ask some questions. We will stay together as a class; students will not be allowed to wonder around free like at the International Festival. Our class will also get to present to 3 other classes that will come to our room to view our projects. Students may or may not get to present their whole project, depending on time and what other students want to know. All student in our class will have the opportunity to present to our class.
This festival is for lower elementary students only. This festival is not for upper elementary, Jr. high, parents, grandparents, etc. We want to keep this small and low key. The main purpose is for the kids to get to see many different projects on science instead of just the ones from their class.

I want to thank you for your support in helping your child with their projects and learn the information that they taught. We truly have some amazing parents in our class family and we are very grateful for you.

Thank you for all you do!


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100th Day Pics

Here are some fun pictures from our 100th day of school. We used the scientific method to hypothesis about what object would take up most space in a glass when we counted out 100 of them.

Here are some other pictures of work throughout the week.

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Welcome February,

As I look out the window typing this, I feel like I should be saying welcome April, but then my weather app is giving me a winter storm warning for Sunday night, so you just never know.

Ground Hog Day is tomorrow. In class yesterday we did a bit of Ground Hog Day activities. The kids all made a little ground hog face and after learning about why it is celebrated and what it means, they all got to predict if they thing the ground hog will see it’s shadow or not. Almost all of them said no, they all want an early spring. We shall see what happens.

This week is our school’s STEM week, and as part of the celebration, science home projects are due this week. We have already had two students present and their projects were wonderful. We are excited to see the rest and learn what the kids have to teach us. If you have any questions about this, please email me.

We will be having our annual class Valentine party on Friday, February 14th, in the afternoon. This will be like our other parties with four different stations the kids will rotate to and then handing out Valentine cards/treats at the end. In class I will give each child a brown paper bag they can decorate and then store their treats in. If they want to make a box or something different, they will need to do that at home. Students are invited to have a Valentine for each student in class. This is optional and not required. If a child does not have Valentines, they will still be given them by the other students. If for any reason you are unable to get your child Valentines to share and they would like some, please contact me and I will be happy to help. We have 20 students in our class and 2 teachers. I don’t think we need much donated for the party but be watching for a TrackItForward sign up if you would like to help.

Looking forward to a few things, we do not have school Monday, February 17, in celebration of President’s Day; Classic Skate Night for our school will be the evening of Friday, February 21; Literacy Week is the week of February 24 with Literacy Night on that Thursday, the 27th starting at 5:30 pm.

The Spelling Bee will also be held the week of Literacy Week. It will be on Tuesday the 25. This year, only level 3 and up will be part of the school spelling bee. This is because the regional spelling bee is only for 3rd grade to 9th grade. Each class will have 2 representatives participate in the bee. We will be doing our class spelling bee on the morning of Friday the 14th. ALL students are encouraged to participate in this even if they are not a level 3. I sent home the spelling list a couple week ago. If you need another one or did not get one, please let me know. Again, all students are encouraged to participate in the class spelling bee. Only the top 2 level 3 spellers from our class will participate in the spelling bee.

As always, thank you for all you do!

Have a wonderful weekend.


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Last Week of January

Hello Everyone,

I cannot believe that we only have one more week of January. It seems crazy that it has gone this fast. We are still in the throws of winter, even with temperatures getting a bit warmer for a day or two. Please make sure your children have coats, hats, gloves, etc. for recess so they can enjoy their time outside.

This Thursday is the school’s annual Chili Cook-Off. All are invited. If you want to enter, please see the previous blog post with the link for the sign up. To come and eat, tickets are $5 a person and kids under 5 eat for free. Come vote for our favorite chili.

The week of February 3 is school STEM week. This is also the week our students home projects are due. Attached are the documents with all the information on the home projects. Each child has an assigned day they will present to the class. I sent home orange papers about a week ago. If you are not sure what day your child is assigned, please send me an email.
Level 1s: STEM 1
Level 2s: STEM 2
Level 3s: STEM 3

Another thing to look forward to is our school’s literacy week which will be the week of February 24. Literacy night will be Thursday, February 27, from 5:30 – 7:00 pm. All are invited to come and celebrate with us this night.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


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Chili Cook Off

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