Science Festival

Hello Everyone!

We have had an amazing week with wonderful science presentations. All the students who have presented have done a wonderful job and we have loved seeing and learning about what they have learned. If your child has not been able to bring their project in yet, please send it in tomorrow.

Tomorrow Lower Elementary will be having a mini science festival among the classes on their side of the building. This festival will be similar to the International Festival, but different in some ways.  Each class will take some time to visit three other classes and get to see the projects done in those rooms and ask some questions. We will stay together as a class; students will not be allowed to wonder around free like at the International Festival. Our class will also get to present to 3 other classes that will come to our room to view our projects. Students may or may not get to present their whole project, depending on time and what other students want to know. All student in our class will have the opportunity to present to our class.
This festival is for lower elementary students only. This festival is not for upper elementary, Jr. high, parents, grandparents, etc. We want to keep this small and low key. The main purpose is for the kids to get to see many different projects on science instead of just the ones from their class.

I want to thank you for your support in helping your child with their projects and learn the information that they taught. We truly have some amazing parents in our class family and we are very grateful for you.

Thank you for all you do!


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