Next Home Project

Our next home project is coming up. They will be due the week of March 16. This week a letter will go home with information on the home projects and the date your child will be presenting.

Level 1s: Students will be assigned a specific category of vertebrate animal (fish, amphibian, reptile, bird, or mammal). The following are things they will be expected to cover in their presentation:
Provide an example of a specific animal in the category they have been assigned (e.g. salmon, seagull, frog, llama, etc.) Provide interesting facts about their specific animal. Describe the general characteristics of the type of animal (e.g. Feathers, warm blooded, lays eggs, etc.).
Describe the habitat it lives in. (e.g. water, land, both, etc.)

Level 2s: Students will need to research the category of invertebrate animal that they have been assigned. The following are things they will be expected to cover in their presentation: How it looks– its physical characteristics. Where it lives. How it moves. How and what it eats. Other interesting facts

Level 3s: Students will research a biome they will be assigned that is located on the continent of Africa. They will need to include information about the climate(weather, temperature, etc.), natural resources, people, plants, and animals. They should also have a picture of a map that shows where this biome is located.


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