We are well into the school year and working our way through the curriculum. This week we focused on stories, myths and our executive function skills. We have been talking about how important stories are to cultures and people and how they are passed on from generation to generation. We analyzed a few stories looking for the setting, plot, characters, theme, conflict, and resolution. In the analysis, we learned how plot contains the sequence of events and includes the conflict, while the conflict is the main problem the characters need to resolve. We also discussed the specific elements of myth: includes something supernatural and explains something unexplainable. As we continue presenting our Native American projects, students will keep hearing many stories and myths from the many American tribes and civilizations that established our country well before colonization occurred.
Another exciting event this week was the field trip of the 4th years to the American West Heritage Center on Thursday. Students came back excited about what they saw and did. Some made candles; some threw axes; some wedged wood for building. We talked briefly when they arrived back to school about the gratitude they can feel for inventors of our modern conveniences.
Since we have been discussing more in depth about climate and weather, especially the water cycle, it was wonderful to have the cycle occur this week. The children thoroughly appreciated the rain and we focused on learning more about clouds, their meaning and how the atmosphere can be different at different levels above our heads, creating snow, sleet, hail, rain and more. Next, we will be talking about more extreme weather.
Announcements to be aware of:
Fall Festival/School Carnival is NEXT FRIDAY! Please look for a second flyer to come home today.
6th Years Redwoods Meeting – MONDAY, OCTOBER 8th, at 5:30 pm.
5th Years – Electricity Assembly -TUESDAY
ALL STUDENTS – Parent/Teacher Conferences OCTOBER 15-17, 1 pm – 7 pm, Look here for Oct 15. Look here for Oct 16. Look here for Oct 17.
All students created a letter home today. Please read through it, check that your student is working on their educational goals, sign-it and send it back Monday.