As the week’s progress, we are getting better and better at our norms and keeping our minds focused on our educational work. We had more than one golden day this week. Golden days are when students are so involved in educational learning that I stand back and don’t wish to interrupt to even call them to more lessons. I thoroughly enjoyed the feeling within the classroom this week when this occurred. Praise your child for their efforts in his or her learning this week.
Our class this week had more Great Lessons. We studied the Timeline of Life, the Clock of Eras, the Black Strip, the Timelines of Human Beings, and more. Several students are recreating the Timeline of Life on a blank timeline. Others are already diving into studies of early humans. Next week, we will investigate early peoples on our continent and Fundamental Needs.
Language and Mathematics lessons have begun in full force. Students have still been being assessed in some areas; however, all students now have a leveled group for reading, language, and math. Ask your student what works they are currently mastering. One brilliant moment was when some students had a rounding lesson and the “AHA’s” that happened. It was beautiful!
Time management is a very important skill. Every Friday, students are given time to reflect on their week’s work and plan their future week. Please look together over the weekend at their planners to see that they have included all expected learning activities. (The expectations can be found on our blog on the Class Expectations page under weekly goals.) Also, please initial their planners daily and their yellow conference sheets weekly. I check planners daily and collect the conference sheets each Monday.
In addition, students will begin writing for the blog next week. The student assignments for these is posted on the Blog Writer’s page. Check when your student is assigned to write. Write it on your calendar. They will have three times they get to write for the blog. It needs to be typed on their Google account and shared with me. They will learn this skill this next Tuesday. Topics will be posted by Tuesday also.
Plus, a mention – please send cold lunches on Fridays. We do not have access to a microwave due to our “tour of the school” while attending specials. Thank you for such awesome children!