Home Project Due Dates

Tuesday April 22:

1. Isaac Udink
2. Azalea Knapton
3. Hope Pugmire
4. Noah Eisbach
5. Daisy Knapton
6. Angelina Barres
7. Emily Olsen
8. James Bybee

Wednesday April 23:

1. Keaton Gill
2. Ricky Quinn
3. Preslie Russell
4. Gracie Noyes
5. Breanna Wade
6. Bhavjeet Kaur
7. Steevie Wood
8. Jacob Udink
9. Talon Nelson

Thursday April 24:

1. Lilyanna Cortes
2. Charlize Herrera
3. Kenedie Weaver
4. Kwade Kosoff
5. Isabelle Olas
6. Kate Warner
7. Emery Shafer
8. Gavin Kimose
9. Jenner Ryan

Standardized Testing for 3rd Graders

Dear Families,


It’s almost that time again – standardized testing is right around the corner.

You play an important part in helping students give their best performance on this test.

Even though this assessment is a snapshot—one single perspective – it is important that our students have every advantage to do their very best.


We don’t want to cause test anxiety, rather we want our students to be as prepared as possible. There are many ways in which you can help your child put his/her best foot forward. The following guidelines can help set our students up for success:


Continue To:


  1. Read to/with your child; make time to discuss what you’ve read. Encourage reading for pleasure regularly.
  2. Know when school projects are due and provide support to help your child complete them.
  3. Provide a regular, quiet place for your child to read or complete school projects.
  4. Set high expectations for work quality and school attendance.
  5. Take an active interest in what your child is doing in school. What is he or she learning? Parents who communicate daily about what their children are learning build a strong foundation to demonstrate that learning.


Start a New Routine:


  1. Allow your child to practice at least three times a week (no more than 15-20 minutes) on either ixl.com. These websites, if used effectively will help them to practice transferring the hands-on learning they do in the classroom to a technological device similar to what will be used to test their academic proficiency in the Spring.



User name: First name and last name and 233

Password: mma


  1. Because this year’s test also includes a writing/typing portion, it is important that your child be comfortable with typing. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/typing/ is a fun site the children enjoy. Encouraging proper typing skills will help them to transfer the writing lessons they get in class to a computer device. (Home projects are welcome to be typed or handwritten)


Thank you for your continued support and involvement in your child’s education. Together we can make a difference!



The MMA Lower Elementary Team

Scales and Tails

We had an assembly on Thursday about reptiles. They learned about the four classifications of reptiles. They brought live snakes, lizards, tortoises and an alligator for them to see. Also, they were able to touch a python. The presenter made it fun and educational. He made sure to cover the danger and high maintenance of a pet, so, hopefully your child won’t want to get a pet without the knowledge of the responsibilities that go with it.

Talent Show and Dinner for 6th Grade Fundraiser

MMA Holiday Talent Show and Dinner
6th Grade Fundraiser

Date: Thursday December 12th, 2013

Time: 5:00 – 7:00pm

Price for tickets:
o $5 Individual
o $15 for family of 4
o $20 for 5
o $25 for 6 & 7
o $30 for 8

Dinner will include Spaghetti and Salad.

Seating will be first come first serve.
Concessions will be available for purchase.
Make checks payable to MMA – Hand in to the front office.