Get Down and Dirty with the Montessori Materials

Maria Montessori Academy

invites you to

Get Down and Dirty with the Montessori Materials

Maria Montessori Academy

Wednesday November 12, 2014


Join us for an evening of getting “down and dirty” with the Montessori materials.  We welcome adult friends and neighbors for an opportunity to experience math, language and science, as you never have before! All of our teachers will be here to give lessons and answer questions related to the MMA curriculum.


Try your hand at balancing algebra and using test tube to do long division in a way that will blow your mind. See the transition of the Montessori math materials from preschool through the junior high level and learn about how our beads actually help us understand the square root of numbers! Learn about snake game and how it makes learning negative numbers fun and how we use a checkerboard  to teach multiplication!


Watch the progression of the Montessori grammar materials; from common and proper nouns to prepositional phrases. Discover the meaning of etymology and see how it can actually be fun! See why our children LOVE to learn! Participate in hands-on science and social studies lessons that will solidify your understanding of microorganisms, invertebrates, the rock-cycle, electricity and more!


This evening will be an open house event from 6:30-8:30 but we suggest coming early because we know, that just like your children, you won’t want to leave when it’s over. Remember this is an adult-only night for current and future Maria Montessori Academy parents and other adult community members.


We look forward to sharing our passion for education with you and we know that you’ll learn something new!

December Home Project

Our next home project will be due by December 15th. It will be on Asia. They will choose a topic to study e.g. people, certain locations, food, animals, clothing, landmarks,plants, etc. They can turn in their project anytime from now to the due date. It will be the same requirements as the last project: written work, visual aid and child driven research.

Let me know if you have questions!

Cemetery Field Trip

We finally got our field trip to the cemetery approved. We will be walking with Ms. Amity’s class (upper el.) to the North Ogden Cemetery on Thursday October 30th. I will send home the permission slips today. Please return them no later than Wednesday.

Please let me know if you would like to join us.

We also need apple cider/ juice. After the cemetery field trip we will be having our decorating pumpkin exhibit. Please let me know if you can help donate the apple cider.

Thank you!

Halloween Party!

Our class will be celebrating on Friday, October 31st. We will have a fun activity with a magic pumpkin that has the frosting in it that I accidentally forgot. It will be part of a fun story I will tell them. We will be doing crafts and other activities.

I would like help with donations for food. Please look at the list and let me know if you could help provide the food item:

30 sugar cookies





cherry tomatoes


vegetable dip

Great News! Every child has an IXL account for MMA

The IXL is a internet site that allows your child to access math works to practice with a flare of fun. The school bought a licence for every child. I thought there was a language arts section, but looks like they are working on adding it. Bellow you will find you child’s name and username to login. All passwords are: 123456

The website is

Here is your child’s username:

Noah Eisbach                                    neisbach@mariamontessori

Bhavjeet Kaur                                    bkaur@mariamontessori

Azalea Knapton                                aknapton@mariamontessori

Daisy Knapton                                  dknapton@mariamontessori

Talon Nelson                                     tnelson1@mariamontessori

Isabelle Olas                                      iolas@mariamontessori

Hope Pugmire                                    hpugmire@mariamontessori

Breanna Wade                                  bwade1@mariamontessori

Trey Webb                                          twebb@mariamontessori

Steevie Wood                                     swood@mariamontessori

James Bybee                                      jbybee@mariamontessori

Gracie Noyes                                     gnoyes@mariamontessori

Ricky Quinn                                      rquinn@mariamontessori

Preslie Russell                                  prussell@mariamontessori

Emery Shafer                                    eshafer@mariamontessori

Isaac Udink                                      iudink@mariamontessori

Jacob Udink                                     judink@mariamontessori

Kate Warner                                     kwarner@mariamontessori

Kenedie Weaver                               kweaver@mariamontessori

Teagan Blake                                   tblake@mariamontessori

Malia Hansen                                 mhansen@mariamontessori

Tahlin Kearns                                tkearns@mariamontessori

Noah Killian                                   nkillian@mariamontessori

Brilee Lindquist                              blindquist@mariamontessori

Annabelle Owens                           aowens@mariamontessori

Madison Pocus                               mpocus1@mariamontessori

Kara Spruill                                     kspruill@mariamontessori

Adalee Taylor                                 ataylor@mariamontessori

IXL Practice for 3rd Graders


Your child should have brought home a sheet with log in information for IXL.  We will be using IXL as a supplementary practice for in class lessons.   Your child will be given IXL assignments almost every week to do at home as homework in both math and language arts.  Please help make sure they have the time and access to the internet to complete these assignments.  If you are unable to provide internet access to your child, please let me know and I will make other arrangements on an individual/as needed basis. When your child is unsure how to do a question, I have encouraged them first to try by looking at the explanation and if they still have trouble to write the section down for a lesson.
Thank you for helping prepare your 3rd grader for their state test in the Spring.
Ms. Holly