MMA Teacher & Teacher Assistant Appreciation Week May 4-8th

May 4th
Use your best Grace and Courtesy
manners in class
Show appreciation by following class rules, being
respectful and being kind to your teacher and assistant.
Give your teachers a hug or a high five today!

May 5th
Teacher Spirit Day!
Kids will wear the teachers favorite color that day and may
donate a classroom item (i.e. pen, pencils, paper, glue)

May 6th
Bring a SINGLE FLOWER to your
teacher and assistant
It can be store bought, from your yard, a drawing, or homemade. Together your class will provide a bouquet of thanks for your teachers

May 7th
Make your teacher & assistant a
note, card, letter or picture
Let your wonderful MMA teachers know how much you appreciate them

May 8th
Bring a piece of FRUIT or VEGGIE
for your teacher and assistant
Together your class will make a yummy fruit
and vegetable basket

Australian Home Projects due May 12th

Greetings Parents,

Our last home project topic of the school year will be on Australia. They can choose clothing, food, culture, architecture, civilization, plants, animals, or anything they are interested in about Australia.

They will need written work (typed or handwritten) from the students research, visual aid and be prepared to present to the class what they learned.

The projects are due May 12th.


Thank you,

Ms. Holly



Spelling Bee

Dear Families,

Today we kicked off our very first School Spelling Bee! Your children should be bringing home a packet of spelling words to memorize. Please encourage your children to practice, practice, practice! 1st round tests will be given on the 16th for lower elementary students, the 21st and the 22nd for Upper Elementary and Junior High students. The three students who spell the most words correctly from each class will represent their class in the school wide spelling bee on May 8th.

Kacee Weaver, M.Ed.
Curriculum Instructional Specialist
Maria Montessori Academy

HAFBM Field Trip Thursday, March 12th


Thank you all for turning in your permission slip field trip form. This is going to be a great experience and adventure for all of us.

In order to be at the museum by 9:00am, we need to leave the school by 8:30am. This means, you must drop your child off no later than 8:25am.

We will meet at the North Shore Parking lot. I will be there at 8:20am. Please provide your child with a sack lunch. No warm ups please. We will be eating after our tour around 11:00am.

Drivers please arrive around 8:20am. Thank you for providing us transportation to make our field trip a reality.

Ms. Holly

Valentine’s Cards

We will be giving Valentine’s card on Thursday, February 12th. We have 29 students. They can bring a decorated box or bag. Here is the list of names: 

Adalee, Amelia, Annabelle,Brilee, Kara, Madison, Malia, Noah K., Tahlin, Teagan, Emery, Gracie, Isaac, Jacob, James, Kate, Kenedie, Preslie, Ricky, Azalea, Bhavjeet, Breanna, Daisy, Hope, Isabelle, Noah E., Steevie, Talon, Trey



Field Trip Drivers

Hello Parents,

Jen Noyes, my room mother, is helping organize drivers for our Hill Aerospace Museum field trip. Please contact her with your information. She will need to know your name and how many seats you have available in your car.

jen noyes []

Thank you!

Ms. Holly