Fall Parent Teacher Conference

Dear Parents,

We have Parent Teacher Conferences in 2 weeks. Please click on a link below for the day you are available. After you click on the link, you will be able to choose a time. I have to finish earlier on Monday due to prior commitments. If you need a later time, please choose Tuesday or Wednesday. See you soon!

Ms. Holly

Monday, October 12th 2015

Tuesday, October 13th 2015

Wednesday, October 14th 2015

Field Trip Chaperons

Thank you for volunteering to help us at the cemetery tomorrow. I’ve asked the children to bring good walking shoes, a water bottle, a snack (if they want), and a backpack. I will also provide a snack.

I will have the children in groups of about 4 for you to work with at the cemetery. They will have a packet they will fill out at the cemetery for the scavenger hunt. There will be a printed tombstone toward the back where they can find their initials for rubbings (it will explain it on the paper). There will also be a blank paper with a border. They can use this for any kind of rubbing, just make sure they stay in the border; not to get crayon on the actual grave site.

Since we will be paring up with Ms. Amity’s class, we would like you to meet us outside in the front of the school. We will lineup and be ready to meet you at 9:00am.

See you tomorrow!

Field Trip Plans

Hello All,

Thank you for turning in your permission slips for our field trip on Friday. We have 8 chaperons helping us. Thank you for all the great help.

We are going to have so much fun. It looks like a great day of sunshine and blue skies. Please make sure your child is wearing good walking shoes. We are walking to the cemetery, participating in activities, and walking back to the school. Please provide a water bottle they can bring with them to the cemetery.

We will eat lunch when we arrive back to school. We will not bring  lunch with us, but I will provide snack on the field trip.

Ms. Holly

Field Trip Permission Slip

Yay! We are going on a field trip with Ms. Amity’s class on Friday, September 25th. They are our upper elementary mentor class. We will be walking with her class to the Ben Lomond Cemetary. We will teach grace and courtesy and respect. We will have a scavenger hunt to find things on the tomb stones, learn cardinal directions with a compass, tomb stone rubbings and other fun activities.

Please let me know if you are interested in being a chaperon on the field trip. You will walk with us to the cemetery, help facilitate our activities and walk back to the school with us.

Permission slips went out today. Please sign them and have them back by Monday. If by chance you can’t locate the slip or your child was absent; I will have an extra to send home to be returned the next day.


Music & P.E.

We will have Music & P.E. every Tuesday. Remember to send your child with shoes they can be physically active in. They will use the gym and be outside. On inclement weather days, they still may be going outside, so please don’t forget to have your child wear appropriate clothing.

Thank you!

5K and Pancake Breakfast

Register now for the 5K and receive a t-shirt!

Please support our 6th grade students make their funding goal and travel to the Redwoods by registering your family to participate in the annual 5K.

Pre-register by September 3rd for discounted prices.

The 5K will be help Saturday, September 19th at 8:00am.

Classroom Pet Permission Form Correction

Dear Parents,

I apologize for the confusion on the classroom pet permission form. This is a new policy and I thought in order for our class to have a pet, we need the permission forms turned in.

You only need to sign and turn in the pet permission form if you do not want your child to have contact with the 2 rats.

My assistant Ms. Ali has pet rats. She loves them very much. She is willing to have them in our classroom for the year. She will bring in 2 rats in a cage daily. They are very intelligent mammals. They eat fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

I’ve not had much experience with rats, but very excited to learn more about them.

Email me with any questions, concerns or comments.

Thank you,
Ms. Holly & Ms. Ali

School Supply List

 Below you will find the school supply list for the 2015-2016 school year:

• 2 pkgs. Ticonderoga pencils

• 2 pkgs. wide ruled notebook paper

• 2 wide ruled composition black notebooks

• 1 plastic folder with prongs: (color specific) grade 1-green, grade 2-blue, grade 3-red

• refillable water bottle

• slippers with sturdy soles. No flip-flops or cartoon characters.

• sponges

• 25 page protectors

Additional items that would be helpful, but no need for every student to bring:

• Dawn dish soap

• water colors

• Kleenex boxes

• paper towels

• Clorox wipes

• colored sharpies

• clip boards

• chapter books

• sandwich bags and gallon storage bags