Parent Teacher Conference Sign-ups

Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for October 14-16. They will go from 2pm-7pm in 20 minute sessions each day. During these conferences, I would like to meet with parents or guardians only. I ask that you please do not bring your children with you at this time. I will have conferences in the future which will include students. Please click on one of the links below to sign-up. I look forward to meeting with you all!

October 14, 2013

October 15, 2013

October 16, 2013


I have good news!  I am finally figuring out this blog!! Technology has not gotten the best of me….mostly.  I have placed a calendar and a snack list page so you can be ahead of the game.  I have also started a suggestion page for any particular items you would like to see on our class blog.  If you have any questions please please please email and let us know.

This past week we continued with normalization and getting children accustomed to work cycle and classroom routine.   We are in the process of creating peace so the work cycle can be utilized and the children can focus uninterrupted.   It is so exciting to see this peace start occurring.

Thank you all for your support and patience while I learn my way around this site.

Miss Heather

Hello Wonderful Parents,

 Welcome to our blog.  We are so excited to provide an opportunity for you to get a better view into our little classroom.  As soon as I get over my phobia of technology we will be adding a lot of great features to this blog that will provide you with tools to help with your child’s education; including a class calendar,  snack schedule, field trip information, helpful educational websites, upcoming events, and much more.   Plus, we will be able to photograph this year and capture many wonderful moments in the class room that you otherwise would miss out on. I took some wonderful pictures of our first week together and then promptly discovered that they are too large to insert.  I am bummed but will figure it out and get them up as soon as possible. Here are the only two that worked.  

Miss Heather
