Carnation Fundraiser

Hello MMA Parents. The Erdkinder class is doing a Carnation Fundraiser for the Freshman Trip. Students will be able to purchase flowers on the following dates; February 1st, 2nd, 3rd 4th, and 5th both before and after school near the front office. Carnations will be delivered to the recipient’s classroom on February  8th, after 11:30 am.

Single carnation flower – 3$

Vase – 2$

Card – .50 cents

Parent Volunteers

We are now studying South America. If you have any experience or know of someone that does and would like to visit our class and present about South America, please let me know. If you have any special talents or ways you would like to contribute to our class, we would love to have you present as well. This can be science, art, humanities, etc.

Please send me your information if you talked to me about volunteering in the classroom. We could use some extra help with reading groups. If you would like to volunteer in the classroom for other things, send me you information and list what you are interested in.

Thank you for all you support, contributions, and volunteers for all your generosity.

Have a fabulous weekend!



Please continue to use the MyOn electronic book online. This is a great resource at your finger tips. Your child can read independently even if they are struggling readers. MyOn has the capability to read it to them and highlight the words for them to follow. Your child’s username is their SSID# and password is books.

International Festival

Come join us for the lower elementary International Festival from 12:00-2:30 p.m. Thursday, December 17th. All the lower elementary students will have their projects on display in their classroom. The children worked hard on their North America projects. It has been wonderful to listen to them present their research and creative display. Thank you for helping your child on this project.

MMA Review

The MMA Review, our school’s first literary magazine, is available for purchase! This is a magazine made entirely of original writing and artwork from MMA students. Students from all grade levels are represented in our literary magazine. It can be purchased in the main office for only $3.00. On sale now!!

North America Home Project

Hello Parents,

On December 16th-19th the school is holding their International Festival. We have been studying North America. The children chose a topic of interest in North America. They will need to prepare a visual aide (poster, mobile, diorama, etc.), written/typed work that they researched, and be able to present about their projects.

The International Festival invites parent to come enjoy the cultural affair. Each classroom will have the student’s projects from different continents and countries on display. Upper elementary is the 16th from 9-11am, lower elementary is the 17th from 12-2:30pm, and Junior High is the 18th. Junior High’s rotation of cultural events are for the students only. The kindergarten will be on the 16th & 17th at the same times.

Your child’s home project is due Monday, December 14th. They will be presenting their projects to classmates before the festival.

Have a great day!

Ms. Holly

Upcoming Events

November 18th: Classroom Soup & Bread Feast (thank you for all the donations)

November 19th: Community Service Feast

November 23rd-27th: Thanksgiving Break

December 7th: Nutcracker Ballet Field Trip

December 9th: Classroom Winter Holiday Presentation for Parents- Be looking for an invitation. This will be from 9:00-9:45 in the MMA library.

December 10th: Holiday Choir Concert

December 16th-18th: International Festival

December 21st-January 1st: Winter Break

Holiday Choir Concert

Howdy MMA!
We are incredibly excited to celebrate this Holiday season with music this year! Yay! Upper and Lower El are putting on a Holiday show on Thursday, December 10th and you and your family are invited! Since there are so many children we have decided to have half of the children perform at 6 o’clock and half at 7 o’clock. If your child’s last name starts with the letters A-L they will perform at 6:00pm. If the child’s last name starts with the letters M-Z they will perform at 7:00pm. If you have multiple last names for multiple children in your family, then you get to choose which concert you go to! This will only effect some of you. I would like to encourage the children to dress in their most beautiful holiday clothing! Shirt, tie, slacks for boys and dresses with tights or leggings for girls if you have them. I am sure this will be a memorable experience for them as they dress up and put on their smiling faces for this wondrous occasion! Happy Holidays!

Hope to see you there!
Mrs. Connie Starks