May 19th:
Spring Choir Concert
Those with last names that start with the letters A-K will come to the 6 o’clock performance.
Those with last names that start with the letters L-Z will come to the 7 o’clock performance.
The concert will only be about 30-35 minutes long. All the children are encouraged to come, but not required. The children should wear their nicest clothes…
Boys: Sunday best…Ties and collared, button up shirt
Girls: Dresses (not showing shoulders) with leggings or tights (no bare legs) for girls….
Of course they are encouraged to find these items but, they are not required. They do not necessarily need to be school dress code.
The idea is to keep families together to watch their upper and lower Elementary children together. If they have multiple last names of multiple children that are assigned to come at different times…they can choose which one they attend…this should only effect a couple of families. I would encourage them to go to the 7:00 pm performance. It seems there is more room at that time.
May 20th
9th grade graduation
Harrisville park at 4:30-5:30
Honor choirs (3rd grade honor choir and 6th grade honor choir) will be singing two songs, one at the beginning and one at the end.
I will have practice for the honor choir during lunch on specified dates. The honor choir is by my invitation and their desire to accept only. They will come in for 15 minutes during their lunches for about 2 weeks in May. They will need to bring an easy lunch to eat quickly and clean up. At 12:15 come into the library to practice until 12:30. They will need to be there EVERY time and on time. If this poses a problem for your class schedule or procedure please contact me asap. Those that are chosen should use grace and courtesy and not rub their honor into the other children’s faces. I will send a more detailed email of the Honor choir schedule out soon
May 23rd
Kindergarten bridging ceremony
11-12:30 am
Kindergartners will be singing
May 24th
3rd grade bridging ceremony
10:00 am
3rd grader honor choir will be singing
May 25th
6th grade bridging ceremony
10:00 am
6th grade honor choir will be singing