May 3rd 6:30-8:00pm Special Education Parent Education Night (3 Round Robin Workshops)
May 5th 7:00pm Spring MAPA Meeting – Budget and Officer Vote
May 6th No School! Rest and Ramp Up for next 3 weeks! 🙂
May 12th 6:30pm 5th Grade Parent Meeting (Welcome to the Redwoods!)
School Spirit Days
May 16th – Dress as favorite character
May 17th – Crazy Sock
May 18th – Crazy Hat/Hair
May 19th – PJ Day
May 20th – Field Day – Dress Down Day
May 19th 6:00-8:00pm Spring Concert
May 20th Field Day (specific logistical details will be sent in a follow up email)
May 20th 4:30pm Junior High Graduation at Harrisville Park
May 21st 9th Grade Masquerade
May 23rd 11:00am-12:00pm Early Childhood Graduation/Bridging to Lower EL on the field (this is for am and pm kinders and will include ceremony and a chance to picnic lunch, at 12:00 pm kinders can go to class if they choose or be checked out early by parent/guardian)
May 24th 10:30am Lower EL to Upper EL Bridging Ceremony – on the field (includes ceremony and picnic lunch option)
*** Note – there will be no outside recess on this day, because of the use of the field for the ceremonies.
May 25th 10:30am 6th Grade Graduation – on the field
*** Note – there will be no outside recess on this day, because of the use of the field for the ceremonies.