Original Works

Hello Parents!
We are so excited to announce that the Original Works order forms are here and ready. Please look for them in your child’s backpack. There are so many wonderful things you can order with your child’s artwork on it. These make wonderful Christmas gifts and grandparents love them. The best part of all is that all proceeds go to your student’s teacher for them to decide how to use it in the classroom.
If your child’s artwork has already been turned in to Original Works, you will receive a packet with a picture of it and order information on the back. Please follow the instructions for ordering. If you order by Tuesday, November 5th, you will receive your orders in time for the holidays. If you are unable to order until after, no worries. You will still get your items, they just aren’t guaranteed by the holidays.
If your child’s artwork has not been turned in to Original Works yet, you will receive an order form as well as their artwork with the packet. Please fill out the order form and return it and the artwork to your child’s teacher. If you want to guarantee that you will get the items by the holidays, this needs returned to their teacher by this Friday, November 1st. Any orders turned in between the 2nd and the 12th can not be guaranteed by the holidays. This is the same if your child has not made a piece of artwork yet.
Please support your child and your teacher by ordering.
Thank you for all you do. If you have any questions feel free to email Ms. Jalee: jschofield@mariamontessoriacademy.org.

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