4th Grade Fieldtrip

The permission slips for the 4th grade fieldtrip went home yesterday.  Thank you to those of you who returned them promptly.   We need all fieldtrip forms returned no later than Monday.  The school has a strict policy regarding fieldtrip permission slips.  If your child has been on vacation this week, please send me an email.  I will scan a copy of the paperwork that you can print at home and return with your child Monday morning.

We are asking for a $6.50 donation to cover the cost of transportation and admission to the program at AWHC.  This is not the entire cost of the fieldtrip, so if you are able, please consider donating.  We do have a classroom budget for fieldtrips and we are using a portion of our budget to cover the remaining costs.

The link where you can pay online is below.  You can also pay by check or card at the front office.  We CANNOT accept any cash.  Please do not send cash with your children.




This entry was posted on October 4, 2013, in Fieldtrip.

Come One! Come All! Its Parent Teacher Conference Time.

It’s that time of year when the air is crisp and clear, the leaves are changing and cold weather is just around the corner.

It’s also time for our first parent teacher conferences of the year.   Please sign up for a time slot, October 14-16, using the Wejoinin link below.


The first conferences are for adults only.  Please make child care arrangements as children will not be allowed to participate this first go around.  Thanks in advance for your cooperation.





Snack Qualifications

In our classroom we have expectations that must first be met in order to qualify for snack.  Please understand that this is not to withhold snack from your child, but to provide a motivator in order to get basic work done.  If your child is one who relies on this mid-morning mini meal to get through the day, talk with them about remaining productive.   The requirements vary slightly from day to day, but always include bringing their planner and having it signed, completing their DWL, and completing the morning writing practice (when present).   If your child is missing one of these requirements, they will not be allowed to participate in snack.



Calling All Fourth Grade Students!!

We have our first field trip coming up the second week of October.  We will be going to The American West Heritage Center near Logan.  This is a fantastic full day program where your 4th grade student will learn about Utah Pioneer History.  Please watch for the permission slip and information packet the beginning of next week.  We are asking for a $6.50 donation to help cover the cost of the bus rental as well as the price of the program.

You can get a preview of what they will experience at www.AWHC.org



This entry was posted on September 27, 2013, in General.

Classroom Expectations

Here we are the last week of September, nearing the end of normalization, and the students are beginning to settle into a nice morning work cycle.  The goal, of course, is an uninterrupted 3 hour work cycle, and while we aren’t there quite yet, the students are steadily improving their work habits.    As part of the 3 hour work cycle, we have a math and language warm-up worksheet.  Though I’m not a big fan of filling out worksheets, this is important in preparing our students for the kind of language they will encounter on the state exams this spring.  The daily math and language work is also an invaluable tool that I use to assist me in planning what lessons they need.  We have begun checking these for accuracy and they will be returned,weekly, to correct their mistakes.   Please take some time to look over these with your children, it will give you a better idea of their strengths and weaknesses and enable you to share a bit of their school day with them.

In the last blog post I mentioned the importance of practicing math facts with your children at home.  Our fifth grade students have begun making their own multiplication flash cards and you should see these coming home with them nightly.  Please take a few minutes to go over these with your students.  Our 4th level students will begin making these this week and the 6th level students will do them as needed.   In addition to math fact practice, spelling words do come home with your students in their planners.   The students get their words Monday, practice on Tuesday and Wednesday through a variety of activities that they choose for themselves and we have a test on Thursdays.   It is important that you practice with them at home or even on the drive to school.  The ability to spell well will help your children reach their writing goals.

We have had several discussions in our class about what excellence looks like.   Beginning Monday, we will be focusing on handwriting excellence.  If the students do not do their best to write well, they will be asked to rewrite the work and turn it in again.  Though Ms. Kari and I realize this may result in some frustration, please  know it isn’t meant to frustrate your children.  We set the bar high in our classroom and we know what your children are capable of achieving when excellence is expected.

Thank you for supporting our efforts to ensure your children are always striving to perform at their highest levels.
