Science Fair – Research Plan Date Change

With all of the activity we have had in our class, I have not been able to have an adequate discussion regarding the science fair research plan.  As such, I am bumping the due date for the research plan to Monday, October 27th.   We will be discussing this portion of the project in class tomorrow.

An advance thank you to the students who have already turned this portion of the project in.  You are all on track!

Remember, science fair is mandatory and if your student has not chosen their topic or posed a question they plan on investigating, they are behind.  Please see the science fair page at the top of the blog for information about due dates and expectations.

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety Jog

Your children had an amazing time on our class field trip today.  The things we saw, discussed and learned could never have been duplicated in our classroom.   Maria Montessori called these outings, “going out”.  We rely on these activities to supplement our in class learning.  And boy, did we learn a lot today!

Firstly, I would like to thank the parents who were able to join us as chaperones.   They were fantastic examples to your children and made our trip wonderful.  I know there were more of you interested in joining us today than we were able to take.  I appreciate everyone and their ability to volunteer when and where we need them.

Secondly, thank you for your flexibility and kindness when you received the call that we had missed the train.  I know afternoon schedules can be tricky with work and various extra-curricular activities.  Last year our trip went off without a hitch, this year I put us all on the trax-line going the wrong direction.  I will never make that mistake again.  Note to self: West-Valley Green Line is not the same thing as Airport Green Line.

In the end, the one hour delay was well worth the experience that your children had today.  I enjoy observing your children in environments outside of the classroom.  I learned a lot from them today, and I hope they learned a lot too.


This entry was posted on October 22, 2014, in General.

Thank You!

I wanted to thank everyone who added to our classroom library this week.   Your children love books, and it’s so nice when we receive donations.  So again, thank you.

I hope your children enjoy the break and you are able to spend some quality time relaxing and enjoying the fall weather before the rush of the holidays take over.

pictures of autumn leaves and trees-UNls

This entry was posted on October 15, 2014, in General.

The Leonardo: Body Worlds Field Trip

Good Morning.

Our class has an amazing field trip planned to the Leonardo Museum Wednesday, October 22.   We will be touring The Body Worlds exhibit.   Your children will be able to see amazing body anatomy in a way not seen anywhere else.  I have been to several Body Worlds installations and they never disappoint.  It is fascinating!  We will be taking the Frontrunner to SLC.   Your children are brought home permission slips yesterday.  Please fill them out and return them no later than Monday, October 20.

We are in need of two additional parent chaperones.  If you would like to join us, please let me know by Monday, October 20 and I will verify with you Monday evening whether or not we will be able to ask you to join us.    As a chaperone you will be responsible for a small group of children (approx. 7) on the train and at the museum.  It is a fun experience, but you will be there to “work”.

Have a wonderful holiday break!



This entry was posted on October 15, 2014, in Fieldtrip.

October Book Report

Just a reminder that the October book reports are due on the 30th of the month.  Your children can choose the genre and method for delivering the report.  Please ensure your children are reading at a level appropriate to them.  If you would like your child’s tested reading level before PTC please let me know, I would be happy to share it with you.


This entry was posted on October 10, 2014, in General.