Honor Choir

This is a message from our Music Specialist, Ms. Connie, regarding Honor Choir.

                                                     MMA Honor Choir

MMA is excited to offer a before school Honor Choir for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders.   They will be learning and having fun at the same time!  We will practice on Wednesdays before school at 7:40 a.m. in the morning and go till 8:30 a.m..  Practices will start on September 7th .   Below is a practice and performance schedule.  Please make sure you can be there for all of these!


Practice schedule:        Sept 7, 14, 21, 28

Oct 5, 12, 19, 26

Nov 2, 9, 16, 30

Dec 7

Performance dates:     Nov 17, Gratitude feast

Dec 8, Evening Holiday concert


Practice schedule:         Jan 18, 25

Feb 1, 8, 22

Mar 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

April 12, 19, 26

Performance dates:      April 27, evening Spring concert

May 4, evening MAPA meeting

May 19, possible graduation ceremony* TBD

May 23, 24 during school bridging ceremonies


*You can choose whether your student participates for half of the year OR the full year.     The cost for half year is $30 per student.  The full year is $60 per student.   If half way through the year you know your child wants to participate the rest of the year, you can re-register in January.

Sign up quick before the spots are filled! 

Try to get registration and payment in before September 5th!


*Registration forms can be picked up at the office, or they are in the newsletter.  Use the online links to pay and get the registration form from the newsletter .


*I am in need of Parent volunteers.  I would need someone (or a few) that can play piano and can be at all the practices on Wednesday mornings.  I would appreciate any other help also.  We will have props, costumes, etc. to coordinate.  Contact me with any questions through email if interested.  (cstarks@mariamontessoriacademy.org  ) Thank you so much!  I am looking forward to it!

Year at a Glance

Please take a few minutes to look over our classroom summary schedule for the school year.  It includes dates of upcoming field trips as well as important school wide dates.


Year at a Glance

This entry was posted on September 5, 2016, in General.

6th Grade Parent Meeting

Attention 6th Grade Parents!

Our first meeting of the year regarding the Redwoods field trip is next Thursday, September 8 at 6pm in the library.  This meeting is for parents and 6th grade students.

Please make other arrangements for siblings so that your attention can be wholly on the meeting and your 6th grade child.

See you there!



IXL Expectations

Good Evening!

We have a lot of things happening in our classroom this week, the first of which is your child’s first IXL homework assignment.

Each week your child will be given a math assignment in IXL.  The assignments have several purposes: to review previously learned material (from 3rd or perhaps even 2nd grade), to practice newly taught material in a format different from that they see in the classroom, and to practice skills using math language that they will see on end of year testing.  This homework is by no means “teaching to the test” nor is it meant to drill your children to death.

IXL homework should take, on average, 20 minutes each night.  If your student is not able to earn the “badge” at the end of each session, or score a minimum of 80,  within that amount of time, please help them write a note in their planners letting me know that they may need more help with a particular concept.

IXL logins are in the back of your child’s planner (along with Utah Compose and SAGE which we have not accessed yet).  The link to login can be found here as well as at the top of the page under IXL.   Please do not allow your child to reset or change their passwords.  If they are unable to login, please let me know and we will troubleshoot from school.

In addition to being written in your child’s planner, the IXL homework will be posted at the IXL page weekly.   Typically homework will be given Monday and is due Sunday evening.   As discussed in class, this homework is not optional.  The school has purchased a license for each student to be able to practice and it is an expectation that they are following through.  As with all homework and home projects, any that are not completed on time, will receive a pink slip notifying you they are not complete and asking your child to create a plan for completion.

If you do not have internet access at home, please let me know with a note in your child’s planner and we will make arrangements for your child to practice IXL during class time.

Celebrations of Life

I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful summer weather!  I realized that when I changed the blog theme, the sign-up for Celebrations of Life disappeared from the sidebar.

We would love to have you share photos and stories of your child to celebrate their birthday.  Please sign up using this link.   We celebrate on Wednesday afternoons at 2:40.

As a reminder for our returning students, and an introduction to our new students, we do not celebrate birthdays with treats or trinkets.  Your stories and photos are special enough.  Typically, students bring a picture for each year of their life with their current year represented by themselves.  The class participates in a compliment circle and then they sing (complete with a surprise ending introduced to our class by a former student!).

Some students don’t wish to celebrate, and that is perfectly okay (the attention can be uncomfortable, and I want to honor that).   If your child has a birthday during the summer, we would love to celebrate a half-birthday with them.