
6th Grade Parent Meeting

Good Evening!

Don’t forget our first parent and student meeting of the year is tomorrow, Thursday, September 8 at 6:00pm.  If your child is planning on attending the field trip to Alliance Redwoods, you and your child must attend.  We will discuss volunteer requirements for students as well as basic expectations to be able to attend this life changing trip.

If, for some reason, you are unable to attend, please let me know so I can share pertinent information with you.


Honor Choir

This is a message from our Music Specialist, Ms. Connie, regarding Honor Choir.

                                                     MMA Honor Choir

MMA is excited to offer a before school Honor Choir for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders.   They will be learning and having fun at the same time!  We will practice on Wednesdays before school at 7:40 a.m. in the morning and go till 8:30 a.m..  Practices will start on September 7th .   Below is a practice and performance schedule.  Please make sure you can be there for all of these!


Practice schedule:        Sept 7, 14, 21, 28

Oct 5, 12, 19, 26

Nov 2, 9, 16, 30

Dec 7

Performance dates:     Nov 17, Gratitude feast

Dec 8, Evening Holiday concert


Practice schedule:         Jan 18, 25

Feb 1, 8, 22

Mar 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

April 12, 19, 26

Performance dates:      April 27, evening Spring concert

May 4, evening MAPA meeting

May 19, possible graduation ceremony* TBD

May 23, 24 during school bridging ceremonies


*You can choose whether your student participates for half of the year OR the full year.     The cost for half year is $30 per student.  The full year is $60 per student.   If half way through the year you know your child wants to participate the rest of the year, you can re-register in January.

Sign up quick before the spots are filled! 

Try to get registration and payment in before September 5th!


*Registration forms can be picked up at the office, or they are in the newsletter.  Use the online links to pay and get the registration form from the newsletter .

*I am in need of Parent volunteers.  I would need someone (or a few) that can play piano and can be at all the practices on Wednesday mornings.  I would appreciate any other help also.  We will have props, costumes, etc. to coordinate.  Contact me with any questions through email if interested.  (  ) Thank you so much!  I am looking forward to it!

6th Grade Parent Meeting

Attention 6th Grade Parents!

Our first meeting of the year regarding the Redwoods field trip is next Thursday, September 8 at 6pm in the library.  This meeting is for parents and 6th grade students.

Please make other arrangements for siblings so that your attention can be wholly on the meeting and your 6th grade child.

See you there!



Back to School Night

Good Evening!

Back to school night is tomorrow from 6:30-7:00.  Between the hours of 6:30 and 7:00 we will be in the gym for a short parent education night.  From 7:00-8:00 you can join us in the classroom for a brief informational session.

In addition to the educational component, the school will be providing an opportunity to parents to be background checked between 6:30 and 7:30 tomorrow night during Back-to-School Night. Parents who wish to be certified drivers for field trips, or will be volunteering at the school for more than 1 hour a week, will need to be background checked per the schools background check policy (Background Check Policy). There is a LiveScan required payment of $25.00 due at the time of your prints (cash or check). Please make checks payable to Academica West. A picture ID (i.e., driver’s license, state ID card, passport, etc.) is required for the fingerprinting services. A processing fee of $52.75 to Maria Montessori Academy (cash or check) is required in order for fingerprints to be processed. The fee covers the bill from BCI (Bureau Criminal Identification) which is billed directly to the school.

If you wish to be a certified driver, the office will also need to keep a copy of your driver’s license and an up-to-date copy of your auto insurance card on file. You can call the front office for more information or email

If you can’t make it to be background checked during back to school night, there will be an opportunity on October 18th during Parent Teacher Conferences.

Hope to see you tomorrow night!

Wrapping It All Up

I can hardly believe this year is coming to an end.  I blinked, and it was May.  With that being said, it’s not over yet; learning is happening everyday and students are expected to stick with it to the very end.

Please make note of the following dates:

May 9 – SAGE Math

May 12, 6:30 – Redwoods meeting for 5th grade parents and students

May 17 – SAGE Science (changed from May 16)

May 25, 10:30 – 6th grade bridging ceremony

May 24-26, 1:30-7:00 – PTC – Sign up for a time on the side bar (watch for a separate post about these final conferences)

For additional dates regarding end of year school-wide activities please read the newsletter.

With the changing weather, we are spending more time outside with lessons than we have in the past.  Please be sure your child has a water bottle, sunscreen, and even a hat to protect them from the sun.   We have been taking a daily run around the track as we transition from independent work to partner and small group work times.  The students love this activity and Ms. Kari and I benefit from the exercise as well.  We will continue this activity this year and into next year as well.  Next year we plan to join Ms. Shanan’s class for their Wednesday WOD (work out of the day), I can’t wait to include this element into our work cycle.

Our last two SAGE exams are upcoming.  Monday, May 9 we take our Math exam and Tuesday, May 17 we take our Science exam.  Please help your child be prepared by ensuring a good night rest, healthy breakfast and lunch as well as a healthy snack for test day.   Please be sure your child is on time to school on these days.  Arriving on time helps them relax and settle in prior to the assessment.

Finally, thank you for all the kindness during teacher appreciation week!  The flowers, cards, drinks and gifts are all greatly appreciated!