
Busy Week Ahead

Good Morning.  I hope you are all enjoying the beautiful weather this weekend.  I know I am.

We have a lot planned this week, and being that it is a short week, we are going to be very busy.

First off, we have been practicing with the new testing program SAGE.  This is the first year this format is being used by the State of Utah and we have so much to learn.  The only way for the students to be prepared to use this program is to practice.  We are practicing in class, but I’m asking you to have your students to practice at home as well.  In math, this new testing format, not only asks the student to answer the questions, but to build the equations as well. This type of critical thinking is so important as we begin preparing for Jr. High, and the rest of their academic careers.

With limited technology resources, and time, in the classroom it is imperative that you have your children practice at home.  Your students can take practice exams at home, by logging in as a guest, to the link below.   Click through the guest options and they can select math, language, writing or science exams.

Tuesday we have our 5 and 6th level Maturation Program called, Growing Up Comes First.  This will be held from 9-10:30 and parents are welcome to attend.

This Friday is Pi Day (3/14) but since we are out of school, we will be doing some Pi Day activities Thursday morning.  I have some fun, learning activities planned as we celebrate Pi.

In addition, in the afternoon, we have a representative from Weber County Library coming to our school to introduce us to The Odyssey with a classroom presentation.  Each year Weber Reads focuses on a different subject and this year it is The Odyssey.  This will be a perfect introduction as our 5th level students have just begun studying Ancient Greece.

The Odyssey


Parents of level 6 students can be on the lookout for a packing list for the field trip to The Redwoods.  You should receive this by spring break (March 31-April 4) so you can finish gathering necessary supplies during the break.  The students are getting excited and I’m getting excited as well.



IXL and Utah Write

We now have two ways your children can continue practicing their math, language and writing skills at home.   All 4-6th grade students, in our class,  now have access to a math program and all 4th and 5th level students have an account with Utah Write.

IXL is a web based math and language program that will give your children extra practice at home.  Your student’s username is their first and last name followed by 617, no spaces or caps, and their password is their first name.  For example Jane Doe’s username would be janedoe617 and her password would be jane.  You can access the website at  Please encourage your children to utilize this program, as it will expose them to the kind of language that will be seen on the state assessments.

Utah Write is a writing program, sponsored by the state, that has been designed to help prepare our 5th grade students for the DWA (Direct Writing Assessment) taking place in February.  All 4th and 5th level students have a username and password on the inside back cover of their planners.  We will have an official lesson in class next week to introduce them to the ins and outs of the website and to discuss expectations.  You are more than welcome to log on with them, anytime, and begin working.  Utah Write can be accessed at


This entry was posted on October 17, 2013, in ELA, Resources.