The Leonardo: Body Worlds Field Trip

Good Morning.

Our class has an amazing field trip planned to the Leonardo Museum Wednesday, October 22.   We will be touring The Body Worlds exhibit.   Your children will be able to see amazing body anatomy in a way not seen anywhere else.  I have been to several Body Worlds installations and they never disappoint.  It is fascinating!  We will be taking the Frontrunner to SLC.   Your children are brought home permission slips yesterday.  Please fill them out and return them no later than Monday, October 20.

We are in need of two additional parent chaperones.  If you would like to join us, please let me know by Monday, October 20 and I will verify with you Monday evening whether or not we will be able to ask you to join us.    As a chaperone you will be responsible for a small group of children (approx. 7) on the train and at the museum.  It is a fun experience, but you will be there to “work”.

Have a wonderful holiday break!