Science Fair




Whew!  February sure is a busy month.  With parent teacher conference, the international festival, science fair, and……Wait!  What?  Science Fair?  Already?

I understand how stressful some of these projects can become, especially when they all come due so closely together.  I hope that your students have been having fun with their experimentation and are putting the final touches on their projects.

I have included a link back to the timeline for science fair (it also has a permanent presence on the top of the blog page), and if your students have been following the timeline, they should be in pretty good shape.  If, on the other hand, they have been procrastinating, this weekend means crunch time!  Monday is the deadline for project titles.  We have to submit the title of the child’s project, which will then be set in stone (no changes will be allowed), and submitted for judging criteria.

Please work with your students this weekend to finish up (or begin and finish) their science fair projects and create a title for their board.   Science Buddies ( is an amazing resource to guide you and your student in putting together their tri-fold board.

