6th Grade Families – Expert Project

I wanted to remind the 6th grade families (and introduce new families) of the Expert Project summer assignment.   At the end of the school year your child was introduced to a year long project we are piloting in our classroom this coming school year.  With the introduction, the initial assignment was given.

I am so excited about the opportunity to pilot this project in our classroom this year.  In order for your child to have a good experience, it is imperative that they stay on top of the deadlines for this project.  The introduction letter and first assignments can be found here.

This project is broken into weekly mini-lessons (the first of which is scheduled September 1) and follow-up assignments.  Because this is ultimately a home-project, the bulk of the work will be completed at home by your child. Throughout this project they will learn skills that will help them succeed in Jr. high, high school and university.

This project is going to be a learning experience for us all.  Ultimately, we will celebrate our success during an evening next spring when your child presents their project to you and other invited guests.

In advance, thank you for supporting your child (and me) in this endeavor!