End of March Updates

I can’t believe we are nearing the end of March.  Spring is definitely here, with the fluctuation in weather, and mood, I can tell your kids are ready for spring break!  Having said that, it is important that your children are fulfilling their potential, as well as the expectations that have been set for them.

Each week your child has a Utah Compose essay due.  Assignments are available Monday, and due Friday morning.  Your child has time during class to work on this (approx. 20 min each day Mon-Thurs), but it should be considered homework.  4th level students should be writing a minimum of three complete paragraphs, while 5th and 6th level students should be writing at least 5 complete paragraphs.

We have our first SAGE language assessment on Monday, March 28.  Please ensure your child gets plenty of sleep, eats a healthy breakfast, brings a protein packed lunch as well as a nice healthy (no chips or fruit snacks please) snack so they can do their best.  This is the time to show what they know.  I have stressed to the children that they wouldn’t show up to a music recital or a sporting event without having practiced;  the same is expected for our state testing.

Knowing that some children feel extreme anxiety over the test itself, I try to treat the exams as a “show what you already know” event.  All of their hard work for the school year so far, is on display this coming Monday.