Important Update 6th Grade Parents

On Friday, your sixth grade child should have brought home a copy of the intent to attend the 6th grade field trip to Alliance Redwoods.   This information was initially provided to 6th grade students and their families on Thursday, September 3rd during our first meeting.   The date on the paper stated it needed to be returned September 25th.  Because of my own oversight, I sent it home on the day it needed to be returned.

If you intend for your child to attend the field trip, please return this form at your earliest convenience.   Please note, the individual contribution, which includes transportation to and from California, meals and accommodations, is $200.  This payment is due November 20th.

If you are personally interested in attending the trip as a chaperone, please email your interest to Stephanie Speicher no later than October 1st.   All details included in the information your child is bringing home can be found at this link:
