Parent Teacher Conference, Book Fair and a Valentine’s Day Celebration

As a reminder, parent teacher conference is next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  As such, there is early release on all three of these days.  Please make arrangements to have your student picked up promptly at 1:00 pm.  There is no school on Friday, February 13 or Monday February 16.

If you haven’t already, please sign up for a conference time.  The link to sign up is on the sidebar of the blog.

As usual, MAPA is hosting book fair in the library during conferences and for each purchase you make a portion of the proceeds go to support our parent organization.  MAPA uses these monies to fund field trips, technology advances and various other activities and improvements for our school.

Because Valentine’s Day is on Saturday this year and we have no school on Friday, we will be having a small holiday celebration on Thursday, February 13.  If your child is planning on bringing Valentine’s, they must bring them for everyone, not a select few.  As per school policy, treats must remain sealed until your children bring them home.  A class list will come home with them on Friday.
