Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety Jog

We made it! Our 6th graders were phenomenal, they worked so well together, and they grew so much. It is amazing what happened in such a short period of time.

We have a very busy week this week. Tomorrow we will be coming back together as an entire class with some team building initiatives, Tuesday we have a field trip to The Leonardo Museum, and Wednesday we have our language arts SAGE test.

Our train leaves the station at 8:09. Please have your students to the Ogden Front Runner station by 7:45. If you are late, we will not be able to wait and your child will need to be taken to school. Children should follow our regular dress code. If they have an MMA t-shirt, they may wear this for the trip. Please pack a sack lunch that does not require heating. We will not have access to a microwave. No electronics are allowed. Children may bring a book or card games to pass the time on the train.

I’m looking forward to reconnect with all the students this week.
