Talent Show, Pancake Breakfast, Service Project and Important Updates

I hope you all have had a wonderful and safe weekend.

First off, our sixth grade fundraising committee has been working hard to put together a spaghetti dinner/talent show with all proceeds going to the field trip to the Redwoods this upcoming April.  If you have a child who is in the talent show, please be sure and support them by making sure they are on time and ready to go.   If you don’t have a child participating in the talent show, take a night off from cooking dinner and entertaining the kids, and support our 6th grade class.

MMA Holiday Talent Show and Dinner

Date: Thursday December 12th, 2013

Time: 5:00 – 7:00pm

Price for tickets:

  • $5 Individual
  • $15 for family of 4
  • $20 for 5
  • $25 for 6 & 7
  • $30 for 8

Dinner will include Spaghetti and Salad.

Seating will be first come first serve.

Make checks payable to MMA – Hand in to the front office.


Second, we are having a class pancake breakfast on Thursday, December 19th and we need your help to make this happen.  Please follow the We Join In link and sign up to help out and donate food.  This will be a nice way for the students to kick-off their holiday break.  In addition to the pancake breakfast on the 19th, our class is participating in the school holiday program on the 20th.  More details about the performance to follow in the next day or two.

Thirdly, our room mom, Lacey Wolfinger, is spearheading a service project to help those in need this winter season.  We will be collecting gently used coats, hats, gloves, boots and blankets to donate to a local shelter.  Please start looking through your closets and consider donating anything you are not in need of.   A flyer with details will be coming home soon.

Fourth, please be sure you are practicing spelling with your children.  Each Monday, your child records their spelling words in his/her planner.   The students practice their words through a variety of activities, in class, on Tuesday and Wednesday and we have our spelling test on Thursday.    In addition to the spelling practice your child should be practicing their multiplication facts at home daily.   If they don’t know their multiplication facts, we cannot move on to the more difficult concepts that they need to know.   It is vitally important that you are also practicing with them at home so they can do their best.

Lastly, your children need to come to school with clothing that is suitable for going outside.  Unless there is a red air quality restriction, we go outside everyday for recess.  Children should come equipped  with snow gear, we use natural consequences at school and a forgotten coat results in a chilly experience at recess.   Also, if your child has been sick and isn’t well enough to go outside for recess, they should stay home from school.  We do not have assistants who can watch children in the classroom, and I use recess time to prepare what is needed for afternoon lessons.
