Monday, Jan 22nd MMA Alta Ski Night, 3:45 to 10 PM
Tuesday, Jan 30th MMA Chili Cook-off, 6 PM
Wednesday to Friday, Feb 14-16th Parent-Teacher Conferences
Monday, Feb 19th President’s Day – NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, Feb 21st Science Fair – 6th Grade
This past week we delved into nutrition, our body systems, and how fascinating it all is. While discussing proteins, carbs and sugars, we learned how all of these work to provide us energy and ability to learn and have fun. In addition to this, students worked on some beautiful pieces of art portraying the articles of the Human Rights Declaration. They will be hanging in the front hallway through the end of January; come take a look.
This next week, students will have the opportunity to start using some wonderful new materials which myself and a few parents have been preparing. One of these is our new science experiment cards. Students will be able to select a card, review it with a partner, sign-up for a day and time to perform the experiment, go home and find the needed materials, then at their day and time -experiment! The students were very excited to be made aware of this opportunity. I know experimentation is a wonderful way to learn concepts AND ITS FUN!
We also have some new history, language, and math works which students will also be given the opportunity this week to begin working with. It’s an exciting time. Do ask your students about their engagement with these new works!
In speaking about progress, student conferencing has begun again. Due to student suggestion, I have adjusted the pink/green sheet method to a yellow one. The yellow sheet has several questions which the student will answer, we will then discuss it, it will come home for signature, and come back to school for record keeping. The questions are more along the lines of progress and mastery than a checklist version. My hope is that the students will better see their progress and seek greater learning due to a more “big picture” approach to their learning. All subject areas are still expected of course. The sheet will be available to the student every week, though I will meet with them only once every two weeks. Thank you for your support of your student’s work!