Monthly Archives: May 2018

We’ve Made It!

We’ve finished the year and I’m so proud of all the progress we’ve made. I am wrapping up the clean-up and organization of all we’ve done, and as I do so, I am re-seeing such wonderful things the children created and wrote. It inspires me to tweak the things that worked and rework the things that weren’t as great. I am so excited for fall!

That being said-the supply list is being adjusted and is on-line; the folders that came home have activities and IXL passwords to use over the summer; continue their writing by having them write letters, etc; continue reading; continue learning.

Our final blog writers publications are HERE! Remember: they were written right after the Redwoods.

I will be available by email throughout the summer at ONLY.




Greetings! As we progress towards the end of the year, we still have much to complete. Students will be working on their end-of-year essays, portfolios and portfolio reflections, and wrapping up their Culinary Projects. Many opportunities have been made available within class to allow students to really perfect these items or ask questions. Please let me know if your student needs further assistance that they have not requested already.

We are done with SAGE testing- Yay!- yet will continue reading evaluations this week. We will also be continuing concentrations in math, geometry and reading.

Monday we will participate in the UE Swap Meet. Students have had a couple of weeks to earn Montessori  money of different denominations within the classroom. This “money” can be used to buy and sell items at our Swap Meet on Monday, May 14th from 9-11 am. The students can rent a booth for a dollar and sell their “wares.” Many students have been planning for some time what they wish to sell and the business partnerships they will create. Some are selling waters, muffins, artwork, and much more. Food products MUST have full ingredient cards to display with the items in order to be offered at the meet. I am excited to see what the children will bring!

Following are some important dates:

Monday               CRAZY SOCK DAY (Must still wear shoes)

Tuesday               CRAZY HAT OR HAIR DAY (Please keep appropriate messages                                on hats)

Wednesday        Culinary Projects DUE

PAJAMA DAY (Students may bring pillow and blanket for read-                               a-thon in morning)

Thursday            Portfolios and End-of Year Essays Due

OCCUPATION DAY – Dress for the future

Friday                 MMA Field Day (LE 9:20-11 am; UE 12:20-2pm) In the Front Parking Lot (Please park elsewhere this day if you are coming to help!)


May 21st    EC Graduation 10:30 am

May 22nd  LE Graduation 11:00 am

May 23rd   UE Graduation 10:30 am in Gym

May 22nd/24th   Parent-Student Conferences

May 25th Last Day of School

We made it!

This past week at the Redwoods was amazing! I am entranced and enthused by the growth in our children throughout the year and years they spend in our classrooms. I am so glad our school provides a trip of this nature for the culmination of their journey. It is truly life changing and refreshing.

This upcoming week, we have several other culminating activities occurring. Students will be working on their portfolios, end of year essays, culinary projects, and wrapping up the week with our Crystal Hot Springs end of year field trip.

We will also have our last SAGE test in Math and our last Botany lesson with Ms. Rachel. We surely are wrapping up the year in strong style. Please note that Student-Parent Conferences will take place Tuesday and Thursday, May 22nd and 24th. Sign up here.

Keep posted with immediate notices on Remind. And look forward to student writing later in the week!