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Category Archive for 'Uncategorized'

Hello families! As stated previously, we are going to have the same spelling words for this week and next week, then be tested next Friday, January 25th.  Here are the lists: Red: nap wag cap rag map bag tag lap Orange: horse shark sock ham seal shed house ship soap Yellow: shot cheese whip thorn […]

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This week

Hello! We have such an exciting STEM week planned!  Students will have a kick off assembly on Monday, get to visit the Upper Elementary Science fair on Wednesday, go to a planetarium assembly, and end with week with a visit from Scales and Tails. Projects are due on the 18th.  They are in the following […]

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STEM week begins next week, with so many fun activities and assemblies.  Our students are expected to complete home projects that are displays related to these subjects: 1st year students: research a scientist 2nd year students: Scientific Method 3rd year students: Simple machines and/or forces of motion Please reach out if you have any questions! […]

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On January 10th from 6-7:30 PM, MMA will be screening the documentary SCREENAGERS for all interested parents, students and friends of the school in the Junior High commons area. SCREENAGERS – The average child in America spends more time consuming electronic media than going to school, with many teenagers going online “almost constantly.” In SCREENAGERS, […]

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Open Enrollment!

Hello Families! The time has come for open enrollment!  Please check the MMA Montessori Moments newsletter that was sent to you, or visit this link. Thanks! Karen

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MMA Montessori Moments

Hello! Please refer to the MMA Montessori Moments newsletter for information about Stem week coming up in January.  If you are not receiving emails with the newsletter, your email address may need to be updated at the school.  Please contact the front office. Thanks! Karen  

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Holidays Around the World

Hello Families! What a great season!  There are so many holidays being celebrated by cultures all over the world.  On Monday, Ms. Teja taught our class about Diwali, a Festival of Lights celebrated in India and made rangoli inspired art work.  Today, we learned about Hanukkah and made Star of David decorations.  Tomorrow, we will […]

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Spelling for the week of 12/17

Hello Families! We are going to have our spelling test on Thrusday, December 20th this week.  The students are being tested on the same words they worked on all last week, so they have had plenty of time to prepare.  Here are the words: Red: fan pan dad sad mad man van can Orange: pig […]

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Our classroom expectations

Hello families! Our classroom community discussed the expectations we have for everyone to show respect for themselves, others, and the environment.  We collaboratively wrote a classroom pledge, which I have included in this email. We also discussed how we will handle behaviors that are not in keeping with our classroom expectations.  These types of behaviors […]

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Monday, December 10th

Hello Families! This is a reminder that Monday, December 10th is a half day.  School gets out at 1pm.  Thank you! Also, here is link to the most recent MMA Montessori Moments: https://www.smore.com/74wgs-mma-montessori-moments?ref=email  

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