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Hello families!

Our classroom community discussed the expectations we have for everyone to show respect for themselves, others, and the environment.  We collaboratively wrote a classroom pledge, which I have included in this email.

We also discussed how we will handle behaviors that are not in keeping with our classroom expectations.  These types of behaviors include: yelling at teachers or other students, any physical harm to another or to our environment (including materials), and disruptive and distracting behavior.  Our school behavior plan categorizes these behaviors as a level one, which means they are documented at the classroom level.  However, when level one behaviors become a chronic issue, the level raises to a two, which means that the administration becomes involved.  It is my hope that with the clear expectations outlined below and consistent consequences, our community will be supported by students who behave appropriately.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me.

Thank you,


I pledge to be respectful.  I will work and learn. I will keep trying because I can do hard things.  I am kind to my classmates and teachers. I use the peace area to work out problems.  My teachers want me to learn. I will listen and follow directions the first time. I will restore and keep the classroom clean.  I am responsible for my education.

Level 1 behavior:

  1. Warning
  2. Write up in Aspire
  3. Reflection and email home
  4. If it continues- meeting with parents

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