Crystal Hot Springs tomorrrow

Dear parents,

The schedule for tomorrow is:

8:30 – 9: meet in classroom.

9 – 9:45: drive to Crystal Hot Springs, leaving from North shore

10 – 10:30: lecture on the mineral properties of the hot springs

10:30 – 1.45: time in the pools and lunch

2 – 2:45: return to school for 3 pm pick up

Please make sure that your children have sunscreen, flip flops, towel and appropriate swim wear. Please also send a sack lunch. Children should be in Friday dress code, unless they choose to wear their swim gear before we leave. There is an area to buy chips, soda and candy, but that will be out of bounds for the students.

Thank you – John

Swap Meet on Monday, Spirit Week, continent and country reports begin

Dear parents,

On this Monday May 14th we are running our “Swap Meet,” with many other upper el classes. This will run in the morning from 9-11 am and students can bring baked goods from home (cupcakes, cookies, brownies etc…) and other items they want to swap or sell. However, please remember that school policies still apply with regards to no candy, soda, weapons, or potentially offensive material being traded. Also, we cannot run electricity to the black top where it will be held.

On Monday afternoon we will begin our continent and country report presentations. Some students like to bring food and other artifacts or souvenirs from their country for their presentation. I am more relaxed about what kind of food can be brought this time compared to the International Fair, as it is easier to control. However, please don’t allow your child to bring sloppy food, or food or drinks that can cause the marking or staining of carpets.

Spirit Week also begins next week and here is the rundown again:

Monday May 14th – Crazy Socks Day

Tuesday May 15th – Crazy Hat or Hair Day

Wednesday May 16th – Pajama Day

Thursday May 17th – Occupational Day (Dress as what you’d like to be when you grow up)

Friday May 18th – Dress Down Day (Field Day)

Lastly, I’ve just had a look at our driver situation for going to Crystal Hot Springs on Tuesday and at the moment we still seem to be a couple of drivers short. Please email Ms. Alisha at if you can volunteer for this trip.

I hope you have a great weekend!

Many thanks – John


Parent teacher conferences and field trip

Dear parents,

Parent teacher conferences (PTC) are coming up on Tuesday May 22nd, Wednesday May 23rd, and Thursday May 24th. As before, you can sign up for a 20 minutes conference slot by visiting: Then click on “event sign ups,” find my name and choose the day and time slot you would like. Conferences start at 2.10 pm on Tuesday and 1.30 pm on Wednesday and Friday, and go on until 7 pm. There is a break from 4.50 – 5.30 pm for dinner, and no conferences are scheduled for this time.

Due to PTC, those days are early outs, as is the last day, Friday May 25th.

We are still in need of volunteers to drive us to Crystal Hot Springs for our last field trip on Tuesday May 15th. You can sign up to chaperone through the same link as above, and then click on event sign ups. The event is labelled “Crystal Hot Springs Drivers.” To enter the Springs will be $5; $7 if you wish to use the slides.

As usual, any questions, please email me.

Thanks – John

Redwoods field trip, continent and country report, math test, Swap Meet, and other dates

Dear parents,

Next week I will be with the 6th graders on the Redwoods field trip. It is unlikely that I will be able to answer any email queries while I am there, so you if you have any questions that are not urgent, then please hold onto them until I return. The 4th and 5th graders are divided between the remaining upper el teachers and they have been left with work to do.

When we return, there will be the math SAGE test on Tuesday May 8th from 9-12 and that will wrap up the SAGE testing for the year. The following week, beginning May 14th, we will start our continent and country report presentations. Tuesday May 15th is our field trip to Crystal Hot Springs and if you haven’t sent back the permission slips yet, please hold onto them until I return.

Also, on Monday May 14th we are running a “Swap Meet,” a  kind of mini-market, with several other upper el classes. This will run in the morning from 9-11 am and students will have the chance to swap goods, or purchase goods using “Montessori money.” They earn this money during the weeks previous to the swap meet, through good works, being helpful, going above and beyond etc… No “normal” US dollars can be used and students are encouraged to be courteous and honest in their transactions. Typically, students can earn between $15-25 of Montessori money in school prior to the meet. Students can bring baked goods from home (cupcakes, cookies, brownies etc…) and other items they want to swap or sell. School policy still applies though, meaning no candy, soda, weapons, or potentially offensive material can be brought. Also, due to the new Junior High build, we will not be able to run electricity to the black top where it will be held. After the meet we will hold a meeting with the students to see who was the most successful, what goods sold the best, what were the best selling strategies etc… As usual, email me any other questions you may have.

The week beginning May 14th is also spirit week:

Monday May 14th – Crazy Socks Day

Tuesday May 15th – Crazy Hat or Hair Day

Wednesday May 16th – Pajama Day

Thursday May 17th – Occupational Day (Dress as what you’d like to be when you grow up)

Friday May 18th – Dress Down Day (Field Day)

Finally, May 22 – 24th are parent teacher conferences, early outs for those days and Friday May 25th is (incredibly!) the last day of school. Again, another early out.

Thanks everyone and have a great weekend!


6th grade parents – pick up time tomorrow from Ogden Frontrunner station is changed

Dear 6th grade parents,

Your child should have brought back a paper highlighting some changes to the schedule for the field trip tomorrow to the Planetarium. The most important change that affects you is that pick up from the station is now at 2.30 pm. This is because the previously scheduled train is no longer running.

With thanks – John

Early out tomorrow, last field trip to Crystal Hot Springs

Dear parents,

Tomorrow, Friday April 20th, is an early out. Pick up is at 1 pm.

The last field trip of the year is to Crystal Hot Springs on Tuesday May 15th. We will be leaving from North Shore at 9 am to arrive at Crystal Hot Springs at 10 am. We will leave Crystal Hot Springs at 1.45 in order to return for 3 pm pick up. Permission slips will be handed out next week, but here are some basic requirements:

  • Swim suit. Girls should wear a one piece. No bikinis or tankinis please. Girls are welcome to wear shorts and/or tops over the one piece.
  • Flip flops, towel, plastic bags for wet clothes, sunscreen lotion, and goggles if needed.
  • Boys are encouraged to wear a rash guard, but this is not mandatory.
  • There is a $1.50 fee for the use of a locker.
  • Sack lunch (there are no concessions on site)

The cost, including the water slide, is $7 per student. Donations are gratefully received and can be paid by cash or check at the Front Office, or through this payment link:

If you wish to volunteer to drive and chaperone at Crystal, then please contact Ms. Alisha at Chaperones will be required to pay $5 for the pools, or $7 if you wish to use the slides.

Please email me if you have any questions.

Thanks – John