Field trip Friday – drop off and pick up and other information

Dear parents,
Please remember to be at North Shore parking lot at 8:10 on Friday morning. We aim to leave by 8:15-8:20. Students will be back at school for the 3 pm pick up.
We have also been provided this information regarding the field trip on Friday:
  • Please plan to meet us on the northwest end of the park and the southwest end of the parking lot by the blue Tardis.  We will give you a map and a short orientation.
  • Please have your students organized into groups of about 8-10 students if possible.
    The weather should be lovely but you may want some sunscreen!
    There is food for sale from $1.00 to $5.00 and of course everyone is welcome to take a lunch or snacks as well. 

Thank you!

Snack, field trip and track it forward. Home projects

Dear parents,

My apologies, but I have misinterpreted the school snack policy. Parents are asked to sign up for providing snack to the classroom once a week. The link to sign up is through the “Track it forward” site, which is the site that the schools uses to register volunteer hours, snack and car pooling and Parent Teacher Conferences. Here is the link: When you go to the site, you will see a month, then a list of teachers who are advertising snack on Mondays. Click on “Mr. John’s snack sign up” and then follow the instructions. If you haven’t signed up for the site you will be prompted to do so.

What can I provide for snack? The school asks for healthy snacks to be provided, for example:

  • Mini bagels with cream cheese
  • Fruit (ex. apples, clementines, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, cucumber, melon – cut at home, grapes, cherry tomatoes)
  • Cheese Sticks
  • Veggies (e.g. carrots, broccoli, celery)
  • Crackers with cheese (pre-cut)
  • Granola Bars
  • Fruit Leather
  • Mini-muffins
  • Whole Grain bread with jam

Please DO NOT send popcorn, cereal, chips and salsa or ranch dressing, and colored drinks.

At the moment, snack sign up has been set up till the Christmas break. As soon as it is open after Christmas, I’ll let you know.

Likewise, for Friday 21st on Track it Forward, Ms. Alisha will be advertising for carpooling for the “Freedom’s Light” field trip. Alisha will be emailing you in the near future about this.

Last week, the students were setting up their first home project in school with the expectation of finishing this off at home. The due date is October 3rd and they have been asked to research and produce a presentation on one of the five Native American tribal regions of North America (Eastern Woodlands, Southeast, Great Plains, Southwest and Northwest Coast). Here is a breakdown of the rubric, detailing the areas they should be concentrating on (a focus on at least one of the tribes in the region will be necessary):

  • Name of Native Region (6pts)
  • Label each category (6pts)
  • Housing (13pts)
  • Transportation (13 pts)
  • Food (13pts)
  • Weapons/Tools/Crafts (13pts)
  • Customs/Beliefs (13pts)
  • New Vocabulary Word (13pts)
  • Overall Neatness (10pts)
  • Total (100pts)

As usual, any questions please email me.

Thank you!  – John

Emails, snack, open day

Dear parents,

Thank you for all those parents that donated food for the salsa last Friday. It was delicious! And, talking of food, this year I would like to use a “snack by choice” policy. If your child wishes to eat a snack in the morning, then please provide them with something suitable and relatively healthy. Please, no chips, candy, soda, or drinks with bright coloring (this is due to carpet staining when they are spilled).

We already have three volunteers for driving on the field trip on 21st, but ideally we would need three more. Ms. Alisha would like to advertise this through “Track it forward” which is a site that the school uses for volunteering. To make this effective she would need your email addresses. Please let me know by Thursday, if you DO NOT want me to share your email address with Alisha.

This Thursday September 13th is the school’s Open Day, or Back to School Night. There will be talks  offered by Ms. Lana, the assistant principle, and Ms. Rene, the principal. From Ms. Rene: This will be open house style, but with two opportunities for parents to attend a meeting that Ms. Lana and Ms. René will lead. Parents will be invited to attend a meeting at 6pm and the same meeting again at 7pm. The parent meeting will be 15-20 minutes and take place in the addition commons area (in the new Junior High building). Outside of those times, parents are invited to visit each of their children’s classrooms.

In the classroom I will be providing similar information to the “Sneak a Peak” that was held in the week before school started, along with information that has been covered in the blog. However, I am happy to explain any area of the classroom environment, classroom rules and expectations, field trips, home projects, snacks, planners and using track it forward. If you specifically wanted to discuss matters regarding your child, then I am open to that as well, as long as we can have some privacy. Of course, depending on circumstances, that may not be possible.

Thank you and have a great week!


Classroom policies and information


Dear parents,

Here is an outline of the classroom policies and information:


Please try to ensure that your student is on time for school. We start the day promptly at 8:30 and move straight into circle time where the day ahead is outlined to the students and any whole class activities are commenced.


As you are aware, nearly all communication regarding our classroom will be done through the class blog. Therefore, it is important that you subscribe to the blog in order to stay informed about field trips, homework and home projects etc… To subscribe, scroll down the page and on the right side you will see: “Subscribe to Mr John’s blog by email.” You have to follow the link in the email for this to then work.


You, or your students, may have heard the adage ” we don’t get homework in Montessori.” That is not strictly true. Students who do not complete required classwork will need to bring it home for completion. Likewise, once the online math program, IXL, is up and running, then students will be expected to use this at home, along with regular reading and spelling work and sometimes the online writing program, Utah Compose. Also, every 4-5 weeks, students will have a home project to complete. The first home project this year will be on Native Americans. 

Dress Code

If your student violates the school dress code policy, then a report will be sent home. The school’s policy can be found at:

Field Trips

There are field trips for each grade scheduled through the year (American West Heritage Center – 4th grade; JA Biztown – 5th grade; The Redwoods – 6th grade) and we will endeavor to provide other field trips as the year progresses. The next field trip is the “Freedom Light” festival in Bountiful on September 21st. Permission slips will be sent home tomorrow (Thursday). Please make sure that you sign them and return them ASAP.

For our field trips we are usually reliant on parents volunteering to drive and chaperone our students. If you can help, then please email our Room Mom, Alisha Coakley, at, and she will arrange the rides. We usually take the Frontrunner and Trax for at least one field trip as well.


Each student at MMA was given a planner in the first week of school. Planners are a tool provided by the school to develop your student’s planning and time management skills. Therefore, all students are expected to use planners to plan and record their work each day. As parents and guardians, please review their planner and question them about what they are doing. Then initial in the space provided at the bottom of the page. If a  student loses their planner, then it is a $15 cost to replace it.

Every Friday, each student will get a Weekly Work Evaluation to complete. This will allow them to see where they need to improve and what help they require from the teacher.  This evaluation will come home with their planners every Friday.

Again, please email me if you have any questions about your student or the class.

With thanks – John



Planners, last week and next week, first field trip

Dear parents,

You should be seeing planners being brought home by the students. Planners form a dual purpose of planning the day’s work and provide evidence of work being completed. The students will also record their spelling words (in the future) along with any important future dates. Once you have read their planner please initial it under the day. We keep track of students who are using their planners effectively, and I will email you if we see that the planner is not being completed, or signed.

So, last week was a gentle re-introduction to school, with students getting to know each other through a variety of team building activities and then a variety of tasks to help them get to know the classroom. Next week, with students being present for a full day, we will continue with team building activities and moving into what are known as the “Great Lessons.” These were lessons initiated by Maria Montessori in order to give the students a more holistic perspective of themselves and their place on the earth and universe. We start with the “Story of the Universe,” before moving onto the “Timeline of Life,” and finally, “The coming of man.” All these “stories,” or lessons, were scripted by Maria Montessori, her family, or followers and are followed up by extension activities, typically involving some kind of art, writing, or research.

Along with the great lessons, we will be looking at writing narratives and this week, following on from the story of the universe, I will be focusing on science fiction narratives. We will also begin looking at vocabulary work and reading comprehension. With regards to math, there will be an introduction to word problems and basic algebra.

This year we are introducing  a new curriculum for our “cultural” studies. Cultural studies involve social studies, geography, zoology, botany and physical science. This year, our emphasis will be on the United States and so, we will begin by studying Native Americans.

With this theme of US history in mind, our first field trip is scheduled for Friday September 21, to “Freedom’s Light” at 400 North 200 West, in Bountiful. On this field trip the students will learn about the founding fathers, freedom fighters, the constitution and Ellis Island. We went there two years ago and had a great time. Typically, we will need 5-6 parent drivers to get us there, so if you can chaperone, please contact our room mom: Alisha Coakley at

Thanks everybody! I hope you all had a great weekend and as usual, if you have any queries, then please email me.

Many thanks – John

Sneak peak tomorrow and school start

Dear parents,

Just a reminder that tomorrow (Monday) afternoon there will be a “sneak peak” in the classroom for anyone that it interested at the following times: 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, and 3:00. This is an opportunity for you to come and ask questions about Montessori, the class and the year ahead.

School begins at 8:30 on Tuesday and for the rest of the week there will be early outs. School finishes at 1 pm. Please make sure that either you, or a relative, or friend can collect your child at this time.

You are welcome to bring supplies either tomorrow, or Tuesday.

Thanks everyone!



2018-19 School Supply List

Dear parents,

Here is the supply list for the 2018-19 school year (you can click on the link to open up the PDF). If you are still subscribed to the blog, but not coming back next year, please unsubscribe yourself to avoid further notifications.

Thank you!

2018-19 supply list

2018-19 Student Supply List for Mr. John’s class

What is required this school year?

  • Flash drive – with the increasing use of computers this is now essential (a safer place to save work and allows students to bring work home if required).
  • Colored pencils – we have a large selection of colored pencils in the class, but if you would like your child to have some personal ones then it is recommended.
  • Blue or black pens – four (two of each).
  • For new students to the class only: Three 2 inch or three 1-inch binders (one for math, language and social studies/science). Please do not bring anything bigger than a 2-inch binder – we are running out of shelf space! If you are a returning student then students should already have their own set of binders. We do not use composition notebooks in class.
  • Plastic dividers for each binder (pocket dividers are optional).
  • Trapper keeper. Can be optional, but a lot of students find them very useful.
  • Twenty four #2 Pencils. If the student prefers to use mechanical pencils, it will be their responsibility to supply leads.
  • Dry erase markers – one blue and one black, or a combination of blue, black, green and red.
  • Scissors – appropriate for your child’s size/age and left or right handed.
  • Handheld pencil sharpener with shavings catcher attached.
  • Erasers for pencils – 10.
  • Pink erasers – 2
  • Clipboard – This can be optional. We have approximately 15 clipboards in the class. However, these tend to disappear, so a clipboard with the student’s name is a good idea.
  • 12-inch ruler.
  • 4 Glue sticks
  • Compass and protractor for geometry.
  • 2 rolls of paper towels.
  • Plastic placemat for lunch – label on the back with your child’s name.
  • Refillable water bottle – labeled with student’s name in permanent marker.
  • Indoor shoes (slippers) – can be Croc-like, or plain slippers without cartoon characters or designs. No flip-flops please.

What is not required this year

  • Crayons
  • Kleenex
  • Index cards
  • Copy paper
  • Zip lock bags
  • Lined paper

Notice: the items on this list will be used during the regular school day. They may be brought from home on a voluntary basis. Otherwise, they will be furnished by the school.

The last week

Dear parents,

The schedule for next week is:

Monday: full day. We will be doing some debating, presentations and possibly making some salsa.

Tuesday: early out. Lower el graduation from 10.30-11.30. PTC from 2.10-6.50.

Wednesday: early out, Upper el graduation from 10.30-11.30. PTC from 1.30-6.50.

Thursday: early out. Movie in the morning: Coco, to tie in with our Hispanic Heritage work in September and October last year. PTC from 1.30-6.50.

Friday: early out, yearbook signing.

If you haven’t signed up for PTC, the link is: and click on the link for “event sign ups.”

Early outs mean that school finishes at 1 pm.

Thanks everyone!
