Fall Festival and Original Art Works FAQs

Dear parents,
Here are couple of messages the school has asked teachers to post on their blogs. The first is regarding the Fall Festival and the second Original Art Works:
Here is the message from Angela, our MAPA president:

Hi Parents,

Thank you so much to everyone who has already signed up to help at Fall Festival! October is a pretty busy month as far as MAPA and volunteering go so we need help from so many. If you haven’t had a chance to sign up yet there is still time. We need several more volunteers to keep all of the activities open. This year MAPA will be implementing the “no volunteer, no activity” moto again. This means that any time we have a volunteer need and no one has signed up that activity will be closed for the time slot.

Not only do we have Fall Festival this month we also have Parent Teacher Conference dinners and Book Fair October 15-17th.

Please, please follow the link and sign up where you are able. Please note there are multiple signups for all events on the calendar. If one is full please click on the next signup sheet. If you have any questions you can email MAPA at mapa@mariamontessoriacademy.org.


Angela Voraotsady

Information about Original Art Works from Rachel Bush:

Original Works Q & A:

What is Original Works?

Turn your child’s art into keepsakes (mugs, tote bags, pot holders, pillowcases, keychains, night lights, etc.). This fundraiser benefits your child’s classroom directly.

What if my child didn’t do or complete their art?

Complete it now! Art needs to be on plain 8.5”x11” paper (cardstock is best for durability). No 3-D art (glitter, pipe cleaners, etc.) and no copyrighted art. Must be original! Whatever you turn in with your payment will be considered complete.

What if my child made more than one piece of art?

You need one order form per piece of art. The order form needs to be filled out and taped to the back of your child’s art.

What if I have a child who wants to participate and isn’t at MMA?

Anyone can submit art. All you need is an order form and to designate which teacher you want to benefit!

How do I pay?

Write a check made to Original Works and attach it to the order form or write your credit card number on order form.

When are orders due?

Art, order forms, and payment must be returned to the front office by October 17th.

What needs to be on the art?

Your child’s name, teacher’s name, and a T designating the top of art must be written on the back of each piece of art.

When will keepsakes arrive?

Friday, November 30th!


Email rachael.bush@gmail.com

Thank you everybody!


Parent Teacher Conference [PTC] sign ups on Track it Forward

Dear parents,
I have posted the PTC sign ups on Track it Forward [https://www.trackitforward.com/site/389525/events] for the dates of Monday October 15th, Tuesday October 16th, and Wednesday October 17th.
PTCs are 20 minutes in length and begin at 1:30 pm and end at 6:50 pm. On Monday there is a break from 4:10-5:30 when there is the built in dinner break, along with another PTC I have to attend. On Tuesday and Wednesday there is a break from 4:50-5:30. You cannot schedule a PTC at those times.
The students will have a portfolio of their work to show you and ideally they should be at the PTC. However, unlike the mid-year PTC, it is not mandatory.
Please email me if you have any questions about PTC.
Also, if you weren’t sure about using Track it Forward, here is a message from MAPA, about how to use it:
We hope you all are enjoying the track it forward program. All events whether it is school wide or for the class room will be through track it forward.
There is a way to categorize events by teacher, school wide or both together:
1. Login to you track it forward account
( if you have not signed up please do so by going here: https://www.trackitforward.com/site/mapa )
2. Click on event sign ups
3. Click on “filter by category” (the little blue writing)
4. You can then select what categories you want to see the calendar for. For example if you want to see only Mr. John’s sign ups click on Mr. John. If you want to see just Mr. John’s and the school wide events, click on both Mr. John and school wide. You can do as many as you want. 
6. Sign up for event and your done. Track it forward will email you a reminder 2 days before the event. 
Thank you everybody!

4th grade field trip tomorrow

Dear parents,

We have rain predicted for tomorrow. Please make sure that your child has good shoes and rain gear for the trip, along with something warm. It can get cold up there. Also, please provide a sack lunch, remembering there are no facilities for heating food.

We will be leaving at 8:30 from the school parking lot, so please make sure that your child is here on time. They can come to the room first if they are early. We will arrive back at 2:15, in plenty of time for pick up.

Thank you!


Early release Monday, thank you, and 4th grade field trip coming up.

Dear parents,

This Monday is an early release day; school finishes at 1 pm. Please make sure you have made arrangements to collect your children at this time.

Thank you to all the parents that drove and chaperoned on the Freedom’s Light field trip on Friday. Although there were slightly less booths than the last time, the students all had a great time!

The next field trip is a 4th grade only one, going to the American West Heritage Center near Logan. This is an all day field trip for Thursday October 4th. We will be leaving the school at 8:30 am by School Bus, returning for 3 pm pick up. Students will be receiving their permission slips on Monday and they should take a sack lunch, strong shoes/sneakers and clothes for cool, possibly wet weather.

Thank you!


Work to be finished at home

Dear parents,

Many students failed to complete their work at school left over from last week and this week. Therefore, they will have been sent home with a combination of some of the following work:

  1. An essay based on a totem pole ceremony, where they are to describe the ceremony and the different animals chosen by them for their totem. They may expand the essay by describing the totems of their family.
  2. Scholastic News magazine. The students receive a scholastic news magazine at the beginning of the week and have a series of comprehension questions and quiz to complete by the end.
  3. Native American regions – reading and questions.
  4. Simile and/or onomatopoeia worksheets.

Our aim at the school is to foster independent learners and for some, this can be quite a change from what they have been used to. The essay and Native American regions were given out last week and we are encouraging them to focus on their work, so that they can complete their work in a timely manner and avoid taking work home.

Please email me if you have any questions.

With thanks – John

Drivers still needed for Friday’s field trip

Dear Parents
We have the Freedom’s Light field trip THIS FRIDAY to Bountiful.  We still desperately need at least two drivers.  You DO NOT need to stay for the entire time, but you are welcome to stay and chaperone as well.  Please sign up through the following link: https://www.trackitforward.com/site/389525/event/435155
When you sign up, please leave a note saying your student’s name and how many children you are able to take.  This helps us to ensure that everyone has a spot in a car, for example: “Peter+3”
If you are willing to drive your own child, but circumstances prevent you taking another child, please comment with the child’s name and the number 0: “Stephanie+0”
Thank you all for helping to make this trip a success!