Welcome December

Hello All,

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and were able to spend some time with family and/or friends. I also hope you have all been safe in this snow that we have gotten this week. I don’t know about your kids, but my kids and myself have spent a lot of time out in the snow this week. With the new snow, just a reminder to that we will continue going outside for recess everyday. Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather. Coats, hats, gloves, and boots are strongly encouraged to make their recess experience more enjoyable during these cold months.

Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up. If you have not already, please get on Track it Forward and sign up for a time slot. Your children have been working hard to fill their binders with things to show you. Conferences will be Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, December 17, 18, 19. School on these days will be early out so please plan on picking your child up at 1:00 pm these days. We will have no school December 20. The book fair will also be open in the school library during conferences. Winter Break will start December 20 and go until January 5. School will resume as normal on Monday, January 6.

We will be having our class holiday feast on Friday, December 13 at noon. We would love to have you all come. Please mark this on your calendar. I will have a sign up for things we need brought early this coming week with more details.

Again, I hope you all enjoyed your holiday. I look forward to seeing all the kids on Monday.

Take care and thank you!


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Here are some pictures of the kids sitting in anticipation of guests coming for the International Festival.

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No School Next Week

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for all your support with the International Fair and the Community Gratitude Feast. They were both a huge success! Thank you all.

Just a reminder that next week we do not have school at all for the Thanksgiving break. School will resume as usual on December 2.

Looking forward, we will be having our class Holiday Feast on Friday, December 13, at noon. We would love to have you join us so put that on your calendar.

As always, thanks for all you do and have a wonderful, safe holiday!


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International Festival Reminder

Hello All,
Just a reminder that tomorrow is our school International Festival from 1-3 pm. Please make sure your child’s home project is here tomorrow so they can participate in this wonderful festival.
Remember all parents, family, and friends are invited.
Hope to see you there.

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Stuffy and Game Day

Hello Everyone,

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our stuffy and game day in class. The kids may bring a small stuffed animal, emphasis on small. Please no taller than 6-10 inches. They will be allowed to keep this stuffy with them throughout the day, except at recess as no toys are allowed to be taken out to recess.

We will also have our game day tomorrow afternoon. If kids want to bring a card or board game to play with friends they may. Please make sure your last name is somewhere on the box/bag. Please no electronics.

Also, a reminder to have any food you signed up to bring for the feast at the school by 11 a.m. tomorrow.

Last thing. Our international festival is Friday afternoon at 1 p.m. Please help your child finish their country reports so they can be part of our festival.




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Dress Down Day and PTC

Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to send this reminder that tomorrow, November 19, is a dress down day for our class only. It is one of the incentives we earned from the Fun Run. Students are allowed to wear jeans (please no holes) and a shirt with no collar. For this particular day, shirts can have characters on them as long as they are school appropriate. For example, please no pictures of guns or blood.

If you have any questions please email me.

Also, Parent Teacher Conference sign ups are on Track it Forward. Please get on and sign up. Conferences are December 17, 18, 19. If these times will not work for you, please email me and we will find another time. These are early out days so students will need picked up at 1 pm.

Last thing, the Track it Forward sign up for the community gratitude feast we have for the members of our community is working. If you have not had a chance to sign up, please get on and do so.



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Thank You

Hello Everyone,

As you have probably all heard, our class got to help slime Ms. Rene, Ms. Dana, Ms. Amanda, and Ms. Autumn on Wednesday after the Fun Run. We earned this “reward” 🙂 because our class and Ms. Stacey’s class were the first ones to have all students registered for the Fun Run. In case your students did not tell you, THANK YOU for registering your child so we could participate in this. The kids loved it. They were so excited to do it and thought it was great. Also, our class helped earn the 3rd highest amount of money in the school. I want to say a huge thank you to you all for all your support and willingness to help and donate. I truly believe that we have some of the best students in the school and that is due in a large part to the amazing parents, grandparents, and other family that they have supporting them from home. So thank you all!
Because of the amount of money we earned, our class has earned some incentives. The first two that the students chose were extra recess minutes. The third incentive was getting some free time this afternoon at school. We also earned a board game afternoon, a stuffy day, and a free dress day where students can where characters on their shirts.
We will be doing our free dress day this coming Tuesday. Normally when we do free dress, we ask that students not have TV, video game, etc. characters on their clothes. Our students specifically asked for this so on Tuesday they can where characters on their clothes as long as they are school appropriate (please no blood or violence).
We will combine stuffy day and game day. These will be on Thursday the 21st. For stuffy day, students can bring a small stuffed animal that will get to hang out with them for the day. They will still be expected to work, and they will not be allowed to take them out to recess so we do not lose them. We will have Thursday afternoon to play card and/or board games. If you feel comfortable with it and your child wants to, they can bring a board or card game to play with friends. I would ask that you make sure your last name is on the box.
Please let me know if you have any questions about these days.

Next Thursday is our community feast. This is where we invite members who serve our community to come and enjoy a meal and see small presentations from some of the classes. Track it Forward is being finicky about the feast sign up so I will send a separate email with the Googledoc sign up sheet. Also, here is the link: Gratitude Feast. If you can, please donate something. You can log your hours for this on Track it Forward after.

Next Friday, the 22nd, is our International Festival. I sent a letter home with all the students on Wednesday that had all the information about the projects students will be doing including which country in Europe they will be presenting on. I will also create a separate blog post with this info. The festival is from 1-3pm and all family and friends are invited to attend.

We will not have school the whole week of November 25th for Thanksgiving Break. School will resume as normal on Monday, December 2.

As always, thank you for all your support. I am grateful for you all!


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Fun Run Tomorrow

Hello All,
Just a reminder that our school wide fun run is tomorrow. The kids are so excited and ready for this. Lower el will be running at 9:15 and all parents  and family members are welcome to come and cheer the kids on.  We  would love to see you all there.
Just a reminder that tomorrow students can wear athletic gear if they wish. Please still follow guidelines for dress code such as length of shorts and sleeves and no holes. Please make sure your child is wearing good shoes for running since they will be running laps on the field. I would also suggest sending them with a jacket to wear since it is fairly early in the morning school day.
I want to say thank you all for your wonderful support in this fundraiser. Thank you everyone for logging your children into the program and for all who were able to donate.  We truly have amazing parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and all family and friends.
Thank you!

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Fun Run

Happy Weekend Everyone,

Thank you to all who have been able to support our students with our Fun Run fundraiser. This weekend we are issuing a special challenge! Your child can earn a bonus prize simply by getting a qualifying pledge this weekend only. Check out funrun.com for details! And if you’re looking for the easiest way to ask for a pledge, just upload a photo of your student to funrun.com to create a personalized Student Star Video. This fun, hilarious video starring your child can be shared by email or social media to connect with sponsors and ask for a pledge. If you haven’t registered your child on funrun.com, search for your school or use our school registration code: 935184. The first class who has 100 percent of students registered gets to slime Ms. Rene on Fun Run day. It is super easy. Just get on funrun.com to register. We only have 3 kids left to register!
The actual Fun Run is this coming Wednesday. Lower el will be running at 9:15 am. All families and parents are encouraged to come and support.
Thank you again for helping our class!

The school Cultural/International Festival is coming up quickly. It is just under 2 weeks away on Friday November 22. Our class will be presenting on countries in Europe. If you and your child have a particular country they want to present on, please email and tell me by Tuesday. If I do not hear from you I will randomly assign your child a country. The students will need to find a creative way to share what they have learned with the whole school. This project will need to include the country’s flag, a land form in the country, and how fundamental human needs are met there (such as transportation, food, housing, etc. ). Students may include any other interesting facts about their particular country. They will need to have a display of their country. This can include pictures, artifacts, clothing, music, and food. Students will present their projects individually in their own class in addition to presenting to the entire school during the cultural festival. During the festival students will have the opportunity to visit each classroom and experience all of the continents and countries throughout the world as they view the presentations prepared by their schoolmates. Each student is expected to participate in the festival.

Don’t forget, every Monday night in November is spirit night at Pizza Pie Cafe. Come get dinner and support our school.

***Don’t forget, you have until midnight tonight to order Original Works and ensure they arrive before the holidays.

Just a reminder that we will not have school the whole week of November 25 in celebration on Thanksgiving.

As always, thanks for all you do!


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Hello Families,
Good news! Our Original Works deadline has been extended. There is still time to order something with your child’s artwork on it and still receive it before the holidays. You have until November 9th now. Late orders can be submitted until the 15th. Your children all worked hard on their art and are proud of it. These make good, easy gifts for grandparents and other family members. The ornaments and quilt squares are great keepsakes. Please take some time to view your options and order. The proceeds from this go directly to our classroom to be used in the classroom. Simply follow the instructions provided on the Dear Family Letter you received previously.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you!


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