Thank You

Hello Everyone,

As you have probably all heard, our class got to help slime Ms. Rene, Ms. Dana, Ms. Amanda, and Ms. Autumn on Wednesday after the Fun Run. We earned this “reward” 🙂 because our class and Ms. Stacey’s class were the first ones to have all students registered for the Fun Run. In case your students did not tell you, THANK YOU for registering your child so we could participate in this. The kids loved it. They were so excited to do it and thought it was great. Also, our class helped earn the 3rd highest amount of money in the school. I want to say a huge thank you to you all for all your support and willingness to help and donate. I truly believe that we have some of the best students in the school and that is due in a large part to the amazing parents, grandparents, and other family that they have supporting them from home. So thank you all!
Because of the amount of money we earned, our class has earned some incentives. The first two that the students chose were extra recess minutes. The third incentive was getting some free time this afternoon at school. We also earned a board game afternoon, a stuffy day, and a free dress day where students can where characters on their shirts.
We will be doing our free dress day this coming Tuesday. Normally when we do free dress, we ask that students not have TV, video game, etc. characters on their clothes. Our students specifically asked for this so on Tuesday they can where characters on their clothes as long as they are school appropriate (please no blood or violence).
We will combine stuffy day and game day. These will be on Thursday the 21st. For stuffy day, students can bring a small stuffed animal that will get to hang out with them for the day. They will still be expected to work, and they will not be allowed to take them out to recess so we do not lose them. We will have Thursday afternoon to play card and/or board games. If you feel comfortable with it and your child wants to, they can bring a board or card game to play with friends. I would ask that you make sure your last name is on the box.
Please let me know if you have any questions about these days.

Next Thursday is our community feast. This is where we invite members who serve our community to come and enjoy a meal and see small presentations from some of the classes. Track it Forward is being finicky about the feast sign up so I will send a separate email with the Googledoc sign up sheet. Also, here is the link: Gratitude Feast. If you can, please donate something. You can log your hours for this on Track it Forward after.

Next Friday, the 22nd, is our International Festival. I sent a letter home with all the students on Wednesday that had all the information about the projects students will be doing including which country in Europe they will be presenting on. I will also create a separate blog post with this info. The festival is from 1-3pm and all family and friends are invited to attend.

We will not have school the whole week of November 25th for Thanksgiving Break. School will resume as normal on Monday, December 2.

As always, thank you for all your support. I am grateful for you all!


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